2009. december 29., kedd

Back From Fat Growing

Simple, beginner class workout today with hopes of heavy fat burning :)

1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 16 kg
10 swings @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 16 kg + 1MP
20 swings @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 16 kg + 1 windmill + 1 MP + 1 windmill
30 swings @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 16 kg + 1 OH squat + WM + MP + WM + OH SQ
40 swings @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 16 kg + 2 OH SQ + 2 WM + 2 MP + 2 WM + 2 OH SQ
50 swings @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 16 kg + 1 OH SQ + 3 WM + 1 OH SQ
40 swings @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 16 kg + 1 OH SQ + 1 WM + 1 OH SQ
30 swings @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 16 kg + 1 WM
20 swings @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 16 kg
10 swings @ 24 kg

2009. december 13., vasárnap

Tha Last Two Weeks

Well, long time no see...

In the last post on Sunday I strained my right shoulder, this time a Very Small Muscle on the top of my shoulder. On Monday I showed the new group how to swing and I did 140 swings @ 32 kg. With the second group I did the 10 swings-1 burpee-9 swings-2 burpee drill. Next day I was useless, tired beyond expectation.

That week I didn't practice anything except for the GTG one-leg squat which I did until Saturday. On Sunday I was ashamed and tried to do some swings but it lasted for 6 minutes—my shoulder was aching.

This week I didn't even practice with my groups. I only showed them the drills. A couple of snatches strained my shoulder muscle even more so today I decided to heal it somehow with Swedish Bitter my miracle medicine.

But before that I succeeded to do some swings to get back in shape

30:30 swings, 10 rounds, a leisurely 20 reps/round, a total of 200 swings @ 24 kg

I originally planned 400 but I was too winded... This month I want to repeat the 80 rounds of VO2max so I have to heal my shoulders fast!