2010. szeptember 29., szerda

Crippled Press Day

Leg-matrix 2:36 (here I fucked up my glutes and quads)
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
stretching (tried to make my butt working again)
1-1 (l,r) AB-TGU-AB
45-45 secs overhead stand @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) AB-TGU↑-WM-TGU↓-AB @ 24 kg
1-1 min overhead stand @ 24 kg

ladders of MP @ 20 kg
4 steps
4x3 steps (I thought I shyt myself)

complex after Ricsi, SW @ 24 kg, burpees @ 95 kg, C&P @ 20 kg
10 SW + 10 burpees
10 SW + 9 burpees
10 SW + 1 burpee
10 SW + 5-5 (l,r) C&P
10 SW + 1-1 (l,r) C&p
time: 17:48
stretching + SMR

2010. szeptember 28., kedd

Last Week

Well, back from London. As I promised I did GTG but I didn't came back a Popeye :(
Last week GTGs:
tuesday: 5x10-10 (l,r) close of CoC No. 1
wednesday: 5 rounds
thursday: 4 rounds
friday: 7 rounds
saturday: 8 round - las 4 were doubles which is much easier
I debated with myself to start the practice because after 24 hours bus trip on saturday and 8 days off I didn't feel the zing. But I didn't want to waste the effort of the GTG.

Short JM :)
3-3 (l,r) SN-WM continuously without putting down @ 16 kg
3-3 (l,r) SN-WM @ 16 kg
3-3 (l,r) SN-WM @ 20 kg

VO2max protocol 36:36 @ 20 kg
6 rounds @ 17 reps
4 rounds @ 14 reps

So I was disappointed. My forearms showed nothing like they were stronger but I think the real cause was lingering fatigue from the previous day. All the same: I did it.

1-1 (l,r) CL-MP-TGU↓-floorP-TGU↑-MP @ 24 kg
VO2max protocol 15:15, 30 rounds @ 16 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg

2010. szeptember 18., szombat

Farewell Session

Tomorrow morning I depart so I did a farewell party with my bells. I think I managed to throw one like a true viking warrior—at least in my league... :)

2-2 (l,r) AB @ 16 kg
2-2 (l,r) AB @ 20 kg
2-2 (l,r) AB @ 24 kg
30-30 secs (l,r) overhead stand @ 32 kg (thank Ricsi for the idea but I can't find it)

3 times 1-2-3 step ladder of C&P @ 24 kg (going back to 24...)

VO2max protocol, 36:36 @ 20 kg
12 rounds @ 17 reps
4 rounds @ 14 reps

2x5-5 (l,r) halos @ 24 kg

Stepping back in VO2max but even Thórólf did stepped back, and not once! Decided to do much GTG next week with my CoCs :) and I come back a Popeye! Next Sunday I will see what can I do with my new forearms.

2010. szeptember 17., péntek


1-1 (l,r) TGU up - 3 MP - TGU down
1-1 (l,r) TGU up - 5 SN - TGU down

3 rounds: 5 bicep curls @ 20 kg, 5 tricep extension @ 20 kg

25 dC&P @ 2x20 kg - 3:53
50 burpees - 11:11
100 hindu squats - 14:26
200 SW @ 24 kg - 23:25


2010. szeptember 15., szerda

The Boss Is Dead, Long Live the New Boss

He crashed the entire surface of the screen :) Bullseye with a 16 :D
But hail the new evil black one!

2010. szeptember 13., hétfő

Killed My GymBoss with a 16

But I succeeded to do a decent workout:

couple of GSs
30:30, 8 rounds, 22 SW/round @ 32 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
JM again
20 SW @ 20 kg
15 SW @ 24 kg
10 SW @ 32 kg (then I stepped up)
2 rounds:
20 SW @ 24 kg
15 SW @ 32 kg
10 SW @ 40 kg

VO2max protocol, 15:15, 28 rounds, 7 snatches/round @ 20 kg, 196 reps total
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg

Originally planned 30 rounds of VO2max for them (the advanced group) but István slipped one foot, let go the KB and hit my GymBoss® totally square from some 8 meters! I think he was fed up with the darn VO2max and wished it wound end. It did. My GymBoss died. Picture coming...

2010. szeptember 11., szombat

Sissy Week

I fought the cold I cought last weekend so the first half of the week was sissy:


10 dMP @ 2x20 kg
20 lunge forward @ 20 kg (alternating legs)
30 burpees (was the plan, 20 was in reality)
40 SW @ 24 kg
50 hindu squats

3 rounds:
8 steps dragon walk, 5 bicep curls, 5 triceps

VO2max protocol, 15:15, 20 rounds @ 20 kg, 7 reps/round, 140 snatches total

Wednesday (more sissiness):
5 rounds: 30 secs SW @ 24 kg, 30 secs figure 8 @ 24 kg, 30 secs rest
3x3 step ladder of MP @ 20 kg
5 dC&Sq @ 2x20 kg
10-10 (l,r) 1HSW @ 24 kg
1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
10 burpees
10-10 (l,r) 1HSW @ 24 kg
1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
5 dC&Sq @ 2x20 kg
10-10 (l,r) 1HSW @ 24 kg
1-1 TGU @ 24 kg

10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg


3-3 (l,r) armbar @ 20 kg
30 SW @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) AB @ 24 kg
30 SW @ 32 kg
1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
1-1 TGU @ 32 kg

VO2max protocol, 36:36 @ 20 kg, 298 reps total
14 rounds @ 17 reps
4 rounds @ 15 reps :D

2x5-5 (l,r) halos @ 24 kg

The 36:36 is still hell on my forearms but I'm getting close to make the 18 rounds fully then I will see whether I raise the reps to the max (19-20 reps) or I raise the rounds count. Slowly I will move to 24 kg in MP ladders and halos...

2010. szeptember 6., hétfő

Haladó csoport eredményei

Személyiségi jogok, adatvédelem, emberi méltósághoz való jog :) miatt csak kezdőbetűk:

szept. 15. 25-50-100-200
Emlékszik valaki?

szept. 22. BMF+
Zs.M. @ 12/6 kg: 10:30
G.B. @ 20/12 kg: 8:55
K.T. @ 16/8 kg: 10:49
H.Sz. @ 24/12 kg: 12:56

nov. 17. BMF+
G.B. @ 32/16 kg: 10:08
P.G. @ 32/16 kg: 12:06
N.L. @ 24/16 kg: 10:22
G.E. @ 12/8 kg: 11:24

szept. 29. 10 SW, 5-5 C&P...
T.Sz. @ 16 kg: 17:57
P.P. @ 20 kg: 17:48

szept. 29. 10 min Long Cycle C&J
Zs.M. @ 12 kg: 64
Ny.I. @ 20 kg: 90
G.B. @ 24 kg: 87
T.Sz. @ 20 kg: 70

okt. 27. 10 min Long Cycle C&J
Zs.M. ?
Ny.I. @ 16/20 kg: 60/40
G.B. @ 24 kg: 95
Cs.D. @ 16 kg: 84

Kezdő csoport eredmények

Személyiségi jogok, adatvédelem, emberi méltósághoz való jog :) miatt csak kezdőbetűk:

szept. 15. BMF
R.Z. @ 16 kg: ?
G.E. @ 8 kg: 2,5 kör
N.P. @ 16 kg: 10:20
N.L. @ 16 kg: 7:53
Cs.E. @ 8 kg: 11:40
R.A. @ 8 kg: 4 kör
E.T. @ 16 kg: ?
J.A. @16 kg: 10:55
Sz.D. @ 12 kg: 4,5 kör (13 p)
S.P. @ 16 kg: 12:56

nov. 8. BMF
R.Z. @ 16 kg: 11:33
G.E. @ 12/8 kg: 9:55
N.P. @ 20 kg: 9:19
Cs.E. @ 8 kg: 10:28
E.T. @ 16 kg: 10:33
N.L. @ 20 kg: 9:32

szept. 22. 5x20 SW, 10 bpee
R.Z. @ 16 kg: 10:30 (3,5 kör)
G.E. @ 8 kg: 8:40 (4,5 kör)
N.P. @ 16 kg: 9:54
N.L. @ 16 kg: 6:52
J.A. @ 16 kg: 10:34
S.P. @ 16 kg: 9:37

nov. 22. 5x20 SW, 10 bpee
R.Z. @ 16 kg: 10:00
G.E. @ 12 kg: 6:40
N.P. @ 20 kg: 7:09
N.L. @ 20 kg: 5:54
J.A. @ 16 kg: betegségből vissza
Cs.E. @ 12 kg: 7:40

szept. 27. Leg-matrix
R.Z.: 5:00
G.E.: 3:58
N.P.: 4:08
Cs.E.: 4:23
N.L.: 3:27
J.A.: 3:40
S.P.: 4:08

nov. 24. Leg-matrix
R.Z.: 3:34
G.E.: nem csinálta
N.P.: 2:18
N.L.: 2:18
J.A.: 2:43

szept. 29. 10 SW, 1 bpee, 9 SW, 2 bpee...
R.Z. @ 16 kg: ~9:00 (7 kör)
G.E. @ 8 kg: ~8:00 (8 kör)
N.P. @ 16 kg: 10:10
Cs.E. @ 8 kg: 12:32
J.A. @ 16 kg: 12:17
R.A. @ 6 kg: ~10:00 (9 kör)
S.P. @ 20 kg: 10:05

nov. 15. 10 SW, 1 bpee, 9 SW, 2 bpee...
R.Z. @ 16 kg: 9:50
G.E. @ 12 kg: 6:00
N.P. @ 20 kg: 6:26
Cs.E. @ 8 kg: 7:00
N.L. @ 20 kg: 5:40

Mindenkinek gratulálok, szépen dolgoztatok és nagyokat javítottatok két honap alatt! :)

2010. szeptember 4., szombat

Saturday: Back To VO2max

But before that, monday:
3 rounds:
30 sec SW @ 24 kg
30 sec SW @ 32 kg
30 sec rest
30 sec SW @ 32 kg
30 swc SW @ 24 kg
30 sec rest

2 rounds:
10 situp @ 16 kg
10 windshield swiper
20 slow twists @ 16 kg

30 rounds VO2max protocol, 15:15 viking push press @ 16 kg, 9 reps/round
10-10 halo @ 20 kg

10 dDL @ 2x20 kg
10 dSW @ 2x20 kg
10 dCL @ 2x20 kg
10 dSQ @ 2x20 kg
3-3 dWM @ 2x20 kg
5 dMP @ 2x20 kg
5 dThruster @ 2x20 kg
5 C&J @ 2x20 kg

the more rounds in 20 minutes:
10 DL @ 20 kg
10 pushups
10-10 (l,r) SN @ 20 kg


And finally, Saturday:
5 rounds:
10 dSW @ 2x16 kg
5 dC&P @ 2x16 kg

VO2max protocol, 36:36 @ 20 kg
12 rounds @ 17 reps
6 rounds @ 13 reps

10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
4-4 (l,r) halos @ 24 kg