2009. november 3., kedd

Decent Squat Day?

Getting back, it was hard, slow but done what I planned:

All @ 24 kg:
10 GS + 20 SW + hip flexor stretch
10 GS + 20 SW + 3-3 brettzel
10 GS + 20 SW + 10 Janda situp
10 GS + 20 SW + 1 min plank
10 GS + 20 SW + hip flexor stretch
10 GS + 20 SW + 3-3 brettzel
10 GS + 20 SW + 10 Janda situp
10 GS + 20 SW + 1 min plank
10 GS + 20 SW + hip flexor stretch
10 GS + 20 SW + 10 Janda situp

ladder of double front squat (5-5-4-4-3-3-2-2-1-1) @ 24+16 kg
stretching + some SMR

I know, I know. The last two round of 10 GS 20 SW I've done the easy ones—hip flexor and Janda. Besides I don't know how does Brett this kind of workout—I' ve done it without rest between GS and swings but had to rest between the others.

At the end the ladder is double because I swapped the KBs.

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