2009. november 24., kedd

Following Thórólf

6 x 5-5 (l,r) one legged squat on the books (38 cm, 15 in)

I prepared for the next VO2max session and maybe I overdid it. I mean the preparing. I'm a bit disappointed but Thórólf didn't do it better so I will accept it today.

1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 16 kg
2-2 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
15:15 VO2max protocol, 36 rounds @ 16 kg, 8 reps/round, a total of 288 snatches
2 x 5-5 (l,r) halo @ 24 kg
much stretching

I wanted to do 76 round but I thought what the heck, let's set it to 80 and stop when it's comfortable. I stopped at 36 :) My hands were not in the best shape after Sunday—I left it grow thick a bit but it would've endured it. My stomach didn't take it, it was upset so I finished before something gruesome happened. Maybe the mexican seafood was a bit too hot...? Naaah :)

At the end I made some halo as punishment. And because it would be nice if I could do 10-10 @ 24. Slowly...

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