2009. november 23., hétfő

Getting The GTG Going

Today I did some GTG during the day:

6 x 5-5 (l,r) one legged squat on books :)

Yes, I stacked up some books and decided that occasionally I put one back on the shelf. Chance brought that there are some big books on top (1.5 in thick) and there are some Valejo albums I made back in '99 to 2k2 on the bottom (0.5 in) so the the progress will be good. Only poor Valejo girls will suffer from prolonged sitting on.

In the evening my beginner group swelled to 9 victims. I was astonished and frightened a bit gut quickly came over it. Everybody worked hard and liked it.

I had to do some drills with them so this is what I did:

couple of swings @ 24 kg
1-1 min (l,r) overhead walk @ 24 kg
couple of goblet, single KB front squats
Tabata: 20/10 sec, 8 round cleans @ 24 kg

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