2009. november 13., péntek

only 8...

pant... only 8... pant... only 8...

Finally I could put my hands on a copy of Kenneth Jay Master RKC's Viking Warrior Conditioning and I like it. It's very clear in method and have tremendous depth in background science. I favor it over Naked Warrior the latter being too american for me with many bold sentences, quotes, boxes and pictures—a bit confusing at first.

All in all I decided to go for VWC, this year I want to finish 15:15 MVO2 protocol to be ready for 36:36 in January. In the mean time I didn't give up my dream to make a pistol one day :) so GTG is to be incorporated in my daily routine as well.

Today's practice:

2 x 20 swings @ 24 kg
2 x 10-10 (l,r) viking push press @ 16 kg
64 rounds of 15:15 VO2max protocol, 8 reps/round @ 16 kg
10-10 (l,r) halo
stretching & brettzel

I realized that fatigue is taking a toll on my technique—sometimes I don't pull up my knee caps, don't fire my glutes, don't push my chest forward BUT... I feel like my overall performance and overall technique is improving. I hope my technique in hard style enough...

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