2009. november 17., kedd

Press Day

Yesterday I pressed some with my victims but it was not easier than in the beginning. So today I continue towards the 32 with 24 presses. Thinking about Viking Warrior Conditioning I decided to do some VO2max 15:15 after the presses—I expected it to be hard and it was.

10 DL @ 24 kg
20 SW @ 24 kg
10 GS @ 24 kg
5-5 (l,r) cleans @ 24 kg

15 x 3-3 (l,r) C&P @ 24 kg (a total of 45 reps per arm)

15:15 VO2max protocol @ 16 kg, 30 rounds, 8 reps/round, a total of 120 snatches per arm
stretching and SMR

So. The presses went good, I concentrated on locking the elbow, pushing the chest out and holding the arm slightly behind my ear. Technique was quite hard style with nice active negatives.
The 15:15 was in turn hard. My shoulders were tired (almost to the point of aching) but I learned again something:
1. Locking knees is before the top point and before the punch. This way the KB travels faster and more energy goes from the hips.
2. Top position lock is similar to the MP lockout (as I should've known from the books but reading and realising is two things).

All in all nice session—a bit long (1 hour without JM and stretching) but successful.

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