De előbb a múlt szerda:
8x1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
6 kör:
5 GS @ 24 kg
5-5 (l,r) row @ 20 kg
10 kör, 30:30 SW @ 24 kg
Aztán jött a hétfő, az első edzést választottam, mert nem volt kedvem töröközni, inkább a spéci press edzés volt a szimpatikus:
5 burpee
20 SW @ 24 kg
10 burpee
15 SW @ 24 kg
5 burpee
10 SW @ 24 kg
10 burpee
5 SW @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP egy lábon, azonos oldal @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP egy lábon, ellentétes oldal @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP féltérden, azonos oldal @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP féltérden, ellentétes oldal @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP térdelve @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP terpeszülésben @ 20 kg
3-3 (l,r) floor press, szűken @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) floor press, szélesen @ 24 kg
BMF, SW @ 32 kg, time: 8:32
100 fekvőtámasz, vagy 4 percig próbálkozol vele: 50 db
No itt már nagyon elfáradtam, már hétvégén is hulla voltam, pénteken és szombaton is nekiláttam a gyakorlásnak, de nem ment: ólmos fáradtság, sajgó végtagok. Azért vasérnap GTG jelleggel csináltam 7x10 fekvőtámaszt. Hétfőn meg aztán ráraktam egy lapáttal... éreztem, hogy megszaggattam a felkarom, deltákat, mellizmot. Két napig hengereltem, de szerdára sem lett rendben. De azért szerdán ráedzettem:
5 x 3-as C&P létra @ 24 kg
5 kör:
5-5 (l,r) TGU tenyérig @ 24 kg
5-5 (l,r) reverse lunge @ 24 kg (CL pos,)
40:20 SW @ 24 kg, 10 kör, total: 380
stretching, sok SMR
Jó hírek: Bencéhez megérkeztek az SMR herngerek, így szerdától rendszeresítve lesznek, egy kis meglepetéssel tetézve. Addig is KKÜ!
2010. december 22., szerda
2010. december 13., hétfő
Szerintem korrekt
A jó hír ma az volt, hogy az utánunk következő csapat nincs, ezért még két óránk volt a teremben :]
Persze eszem ágában sem volt még két órát maradni, de egyszer jó volt nem pánikolni az átadás miatt. Bele is csúsztunk az estébe, fél kilencig tartott a kiadós nyújtás meg a traccsparti.
VO2max 15:15, 30 kör, 8! snatch/kör, total 240 snatch @ 20 kg
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 20 kg
5 x 3 step ladder of C&P @ 24 kg
5 kör:
5-5 (l,r) get-up sit-up @ 24 kg
5-5 (,r) backward lunge @ 24 kg, KB in CL pos.
30:30 SW, 10 kör, 22 SW/kör, total 220 SW @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 24 kg
stretching, SMR
Nekem bőven elég volt már, főleg, hogy 30 körrel melegítettem be. Ott az elején éreztem a derekamat, azt a pici húzódást, de hát "Pain is my friend".
Persze eszem ágában sem volt még két órát maradni, de egyszer jó volt nem pánikolni az átadás miatt. Bele is csúsztunk az estébe, fél kilencig tartott a kiadós nyújtás meg a traccsparti.
VO2max 15:15, 30 kör, 8! snatch/kör, total 240 snatch @ 20 kg
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 20 kg
5 x 3 step ladder of C&P @ 24 kg
5 kör:
5-5 (l,r) get-up sit-up @ 24 kg
5-5 (,r) backward lunge @ 24 kg, KB in CL pos.
30:30 SW, 10 kör, 22 SW/kör, total 220 SW @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 24 kg
stretching, SMR
Nekem bőven elég volt már, főleg, hogy 30 körrel melegítettem be. Ott az elején éreztem a derekamat, azt a pici húzódást, de hát "Pain is my friend".
2010. december 8., szerda
Megint egyben az eddigi hét
Ugye a hétvégén az FMS miatt nem edzettem, mert ugyanaz történt velem, mint amit tavaly meséltek a résztvevők: egyszerű gyakorlatoktól is nagy fáradtság, és izomláz valószínűtlen helyeken. Nekem például gyomorszáj tájékán, és görcsöcskék a hátsó bordaívemnél...
Szóval hétfő:
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 24 kg
15 min TGU @ 24 kg
5 rounds:
5 GS @ 24 kg
5-5 (l,r) staggered stance row @ 20 kg
15:15 SW @ 24 kg, 20 rounds, 11 reps/round, total 220 reps
Ma (ami szerda):
3 x 5-5 (l,r) MP @ 20 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 20 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 20 + 8 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 32 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 + 12 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 40 kg (assisted)
5 x 1-2-3 ladder of MP @ 24 kg
4 rounds:
5-5 (l,r) get up sit up @ 20 kg
5-5 (l,r) backward lunge @ 20 kg, KB in CL pos.
20:40 SW @ 32 kg, 10 rounds, total of 150 reps
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 24 kg
stretching and SMR
Hát a török felülésig tényleg nem semmi, de nem a vállam miatt, mert okosan csak 20 kilóssal csináltam. Még így is keményen megmozgatta a rotációs stabilizáló izmaimat ;))) Aki érti, az érti... Más szóval, nagyon kívánta a derekam a hengert. Dúúúúúúrva.
Szóval hétfő:
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 24 kg
15 min TGU @ 24 kg
5 rounds:
5 GS @ 24 kg
5-5 (l,r) staggered stance row @ 20 kg
15:15 SW @ 24 kg, 20 rounds, 11 reps/round, total 220 reps
Ma (ami szerda):
3 x 5-5 (l,r) MP @ 20 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 20 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 20 + 8 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 32 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 + 12 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 40 kg (assisted)
5 x 1-2-3 ladder of MP @ 24 kg
4 rounds:
5-5 (l,r) get up sit up @ 20 kg
5-5 (l,r) backward lunge @ 20 kg, KB in CL pos.
20:40 SW @ 32 kg, 10 rounds, total of 150 reps
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 24 kg
stretching and SMR
Hát a török felülésig tényleg nem semmi, de nem a vállam miatt, mert okosan csak 20 kilóssal csináltam. Még így is keményen megmozgatta a rotációs stabilizáló izmaimat ;))) Aki érti, az érti... Más szóval, nagyon kívánta a derekam a hengert. Dúúúúúúrva.
2010. december 2., csütörtök
A hétfőből már nem sokra emlékszem, mert nem a leírt terv lett, hanem Bence rendelt haladó edzést :)
Ami lényeges:
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 20 kg
néhány AB-TGU-WM kombó bemelegítésnek
VO2max protocol, 36:36, 10 rounds, 17 reps/round @ 20 kg
Tegnap pedig megcsináltunk a - szintén Bence rendelte - swinges edzést:
VO2max cadence test, 5 min. Last minute: 29 reps @ 20 kg
VO2max protocol, 15:15, 24 rounds, 7-8 reps/round @ 20 kg
5-5 (l,r) AB @ 20 kg
1-1 (l,r) 3 WM-TGU↓-AB-TGU↑
"M" Press vagy 5 ütemű press: clean, press a "sticking point"-ig (felkar párhuzamos a földdel) és megtart, press fej fölé, aztán leenged a sticking pointig és megtart, press vissza fej fölé, szabályos military press negatív.
5-5 (l,r) "M" Press @ 20 kg
2-2 (l,r) "M" Press @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) MP trial @ 32 kg
starting on top of the minute, 20 rounds, 20 min:
4 x 25 SW @ 24 kg
4 x 20 SW @ 32 kg
10 SW @ 48 kg
2 x 15 SW @ 40 kg
15 SW @ 48 kg
4 x 20 SW @ 32 kg
4 x 25 SW @ 24 kg
Ami lényeges:
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 20 kg
néhány AB-TGU-WM kombó bemelegítésnek
VO2max protocol, 36:36, 10 rounds, 17 reps/round @ 20 kg
Tegnap pedig megcsináltunk a - szintén Bence rendelte - swinges edzést:
VO2max cadence test, 5 min. Last minute: 29 reps @ 20 kg
VO2max protocol, 15:15, 24 rounds, 7-8 reps/round @ 20 kg
5-5 (l,r) AB @ 20 kg
1-1 (l,r) 3 WM-TGU↓-AB-TGU↑
"M" Press vagy 5 ütemű press: clean, press a "sticking point"-ig (felkar párhuzamos a földdel) és megtart, press fej fölé, aztán leenged a sticking pointig és megtart, press vissza fej fölé, szabályos military press negatív.
5-5 (l,r) "M" Press @ 20 kg
2-2 (l,r) "M" Press @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) MP trial @ 32 kg
starting on top of the minute, 20 rounds, 20 min:
4 x 25 SW @ 24 kg
4 x 20 SW @ 32 kg
10 SW @ 48 kg
2 x 15 SW @ 40 kg
15 SW @ 48 kg
4 x 20 SW @ 32 kg
4 x 25 SW @ 24 kg
2010. november 26., péntek
Vissza a snatch-hez
Pár hét snatch-pihi után újra nekiestem a 20 kilósnak:
1-1 (l,r) 10 1HSW-1 SN-3 WM @ 20 kg
1-1 (l,r) 15 1HSW-1 SN-4 WM @ 20 kg
1-1 (l,r) 20 1HSW-1 SN-5 WM @ 20 kg
VO2max protocol 36:36, 20 kg
10 rounds @ 17 reps
4 rounds @ 14 reps
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 24 kg
stretching, SMR
A SW-WM kombó után már éreztem, hogy fáradt vagyok, szerintem a hátam miatt. Bár sokat javult, annyira, hogy soha nem javult még komoly húzódásom ilyen gyorsan. Ettől függetlenül nem sokat vártam. Az elmúlt hetek heavy swingjei segítettek, de nem annyit. Erősebb nem lett az alkarom, csak szinten maradt.
1-1 (l,r) 10 1HSW-1 SN-3 WM @ 20 kg
1-1 (l,r) 15 1HSW-1 SN-4 WM @ 20 kg
1-1 (l,r) 20 1HSW-1 SN-5 WM @ 20 kg
VO2max protocol 36:36, 20 kg
10 rounds @ 17 reps
4 rounds @ 14 reps
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 24 kg
stretching, SMR
A SW-WM kombó után már éreztem, hogy fáradt vagyok, szerintem a hátam miatt. Bár sokat javult, annyira, hogy soha nem javult még komoly húzódásom ilyen gyorsan. Ettől függetlenül nem sokat vártam. Az elmúlt hetek heavy swingjei segítettek, de nem annyit. Erősebb nem lett az alkarom, csak szinten maradt.
2010. november 24., szerda
Press nap
Mára felírtam receptre egy pár presst (hú, sok House-t nézek). Valahogy sejtettem, hogy Mari és István nem jön, viszont Bence meg Szabolcs igen, így nem folytatjuk a létrákat, hanem "izgalmas" press napot tartottunk. Nekem is pont beleillett, és ez lett:
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) AB-TGU-AB @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) AB-TGU up-WM-TGU down-AB @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) AB-TGU to kneel-MP-TGU up-WM-TGU to knee-MP-TGU down-AB @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP closed legs @ 20 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP on opposite knee @ 20 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP on knee @ 20 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP straddle @ 20 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) ssP @ 2x20 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP @ 12+12 kg (Kenneth style one handed)
15 dC&P @ 2x20 kg
200 SW @ 24 kg
time: 10:26
stretching, SMR
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) AB-TGU-AB @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) AB-TGU up-WM-TGU down-AB @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) AB-TGU to kneel-MP-TGU up-WM-TGU to knee-MP-TGU down-AB @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP closed legs @ 20 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP on opposite knee @ 20 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP on knee @ 20 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP straddle @ 20 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) ssP @ 2x20 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP @ 12+12 kg (Kenneth style one handed)
15 dC&P @ 2x20 kg
200 SW @ 24 kg
time: 10:26
stretching, SMR
2010. november 22., hétfő
Edzés húzva
Nem, nem, nem "felhúzás", utálom a magyarított neveket. Meghúztam magam... Persze megint azon gondolkoztam, hogy nem ezdek a kis csapattal, de lassan bemelegedett a hátam, és hát elkapott a hév.
Különben csak úgy magamnak elrakni, a szombati edzés után még este meghúztam az erector spinae-mat, lásd a képen a csinosan beteges zöld részt. Azóta esemerezem.
Ettől függetlenül egy kicsit nyomtam:
20-25 SN both hands
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 20 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 20 kg
20 SW @ 20 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU up - WM - TGU down
20 SW @ 24 kg
5 rounds, 2 x 20 kg:
5 dDL
5 dSW
5 dCL
5 dSQ
5 dMP
100 pushup or 4 minutes trying: 70 reps
Különben csak úgy magamnak elrakni, a szombati edzés után még este meghúztam az erector spinae-mat, lásd a képen a csinosan beteges zöld részt. Azóta esemerezem.
Ettől függetlenül egy kicsit nyomtam:
20-25 SN both hands
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 20 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 20 kg
20 SW @ 20 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU up - WM - TGU down
20 SW @ 24 kg
5 rounds, 2 x 20 kg:
5 dDL
5 dSW
5 dCL
5 dSQ
5 dMP
100 pushup or 4 minutes trying: 70 reps
2010. november 20., szombat
Előző nap:
Jack Bauer már hajnalban érezte, hogy rosszullét kerülgeti. Nem tudta, hogy valaki beadott-e neki valamit, de tudta, hogy a központba nem mehet, így saját módszerével kezelte magát: utolsó két tablettáját bekapta, és iszonyatos akaraterejét latba vetve felállt, és elindult az árulót megkeresni.
Ma, 19:47:
Jack Bauer röviden bemelegített, megfogta .24-esét, és elindult, hogy megkeresse ellenségét, Lazinesst:
24 kör, egyik körben 24 1HSW @ 24 kg, másik körben pihenés
5x3 step ladder of MP @ 24 kg
stretching + SMR
Jack Bauer már hajnalban érezte, hogy rosszullét kerülgeti. Nem tudta, hogy valaki beadott-e neki valamit, de tudta, hogy a központba nem mehet, így saját módszerével kezelte magát: utolsó két tablettáját bekapta, és iszonyatos akaraterejét latba vetve felállt, és elindult az árulót megkeresni.
Ma, 19:47:
Jack Bauer röviden bemelegített, megfogta .24-esét, és elindult, hogy megkeresse ellenségét, Lazinesst:
24 kör, egyik körben 24 1HSW @ 24 kg, másik körben pihenés
5x3 step ladder of MP @ 24 kg
stretching + SMR
2010. november 17., szerda
Sissy szerda
3 kör:
30 sec SW @ 20 kg
30 sec SW @ 24 kg
30 sec rest
30 sec SW @ 24 kg
30 sec SW @ 20 kg
30 sec rest
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 24 kg
10 dSW @ 24+24 kg
10 dDL @ 24+24 kg
10 dSW @ 24+24 kg
10 dCL @ 24+24 kg
6 dSq @ 24+24 kg
3-3 (l,r) dWM @ 24+24 kg
5 dMP @ 24+24 kg
10 dHP @ 24+24 kg
10 dSN @ 16+16 kg
MP ladders: 4 x 3 step ladder @ 24 kg
BMF+ (incomplete), SW @ 16+16 kg, GS @ 16 kg:
50 dSW + 10 GS
40 dSW + 20 GS
30 dSW + 30 GS
20 sSW + 20 GS
time: 12 min
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 20 kg
Hát ma ennyi sikerült. A BMF+ alatt nem nagyon volt már levegőm, ezt is 10-enként csináltam. Sissy szerda.
Gratula Eszternek és Lacinak, nagyon szépen dolgoztatok, két edzés egymás után! Az eredményeket hamarosan felrakom az oldalra.
3 kör:
30 sec SW @ 20 kg
30 sec SW @ 24 kg
30 sec rest
30 sec SW @ 24 kg
30 sec SW @ 20 kg
30 sec rest
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 24 kg
10 dSW @ 24+24 kg
10 dDL @ 24+24 kg
10 dSW @ 24+24 kg
10 dCL @ 24+24 kg
6 dSq @ 24+24 kg
3-3 (l,r) dWM @ 24+24 kg
5 dMP @ 24+24 kg
10 dHP @ 24+24 kg
10 dSN @ 16+16 kg
MP ladders: 4 x 3 step ladder @ 24 kg
BMF+ (incomplete), SW @ 16+16 kg, GS @ 16 kg:
50 dSW + 10 GS
40 dSW + 20 GS
30 dSW + 30 GS
20 sSW + 20 GS
time: 12 min
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 20 kg
Hát ma ennyi sikerült. A BMF+ alatt nem nagyon volt már levegőm, ezt is 10-enként csináltam. Sissy szerda.
Gratula Eszternek és Lacinak, nagyon szépen dolgoztatok, két edzés egymás után! Az eredményeket hamarosan felrakom az oldalra.
double bells,
forearm burster,
goblet squats,
2010. november 16., kedd

10-10 (l,r) halo @ 24 kg
2-2 (l,r) AB @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU v 20 kg
3-3 (l,r) WM @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
30 SW @ 32 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 32 kg
10-10 (l,r) 1LDL @ 24 kg
4 rounds in 20 min:
20 SW @ 32 kg
5-5 (l,r) MP @ 24 kg
5-5 (l,r) WM @ 24 kg
10 GS @ 24 kg
No hát senki nem volt a VO2max csoportból ott, így impovizált edzés lett belőle, felesleges lett volna az 50 kört erőltetni. Én sem akartam, mert azon gondolkozom hetek óta, hogy a párhuzamos 15:15 és 36:36 miatt a 36:36 alatt felünően elfáradok úgy 8-10 snatch után. Szerintem azért, mert sokáig csináltam a 15:15-öt, és beállt a szervezetem arra a terhelésre. Így kapóra jött, hogy nem VO2maxoztunk.
2010. november 11., csütörtök
Elég fáradt voltam, de azért végigcsináltam:
2 rounds:
30 sec SW @ 24 kg
30 sec SW @ 32 kg
30 sec rest
30 sec SW @ 32 kg
30 sec SW @ 24 kg
30 sec rest
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 24 kg
100 SW @ 24 kg
50 DL @ 32 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 20+8 kg
1-1 (l,r) SN-WM-MP @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) 2 SN-2 WM-2 MP @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) 3 SN-3 WM-3 MP @ 24 kg
timed, all @ 24 kg:
10 SW + 10 burpees
10 SW + 9 burpees
10 SW + 1 burpees
10 SW + 5-5 C&P
10 SW + 1-1 C&P
time: 16:34
2 rounds:
30 sec SW @ 24 kg
30 sec SW @ 32 kg
30 sec rest
30 sec SW @ 32 kg
30 sec SW @ 24 kg
30 sec rest
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 24 kg
100 SW @ 24 kg
50 DL @ 32 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 20+8 kg
1-1 (l,r) SN-WM-MP @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) 2 SN-2 WM-2 MP @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) 3 SN-3 WM-3 MP @ 24 kg
timed, all @ 24 kg:
10 SW + 10 burpees
10 SW + 9 burpees
10 SW + 1 burpees
10 SW + 5-5 C&P
10 SW + 1-1 C&P
time: 16:34
2010. november 8., hétfő
Hétfő - Max temetése
Nem nagyon éreztem erőt, főleg lelkit, hogy dolgozzak ma.
Mélyen megérintett Max halála. Eddig nem voltam olyan temetésen, ahol közelebbi barátomat vagy rokonomat búcsúztattuk volna. Valahogy a nagymamák és nagynénik nem tartoztak ide. De Max közeli csapás volt, bár kb. 10 éve nem találkoztunk.
Nem csak megérintett, de megdöbbentett. Megdöbbentett Szalkai Laci könnyben úszó szeme. Szégyellem magam, mert pont Max mutatta be azt, hogy senkit nem érdemes beskatulyázni, mert hátha pont ő cáfolja meg fényesen ragyogva az ítéletet. Sajnálom, hogy soha nem leszek olyan tehetséges, nem adok annyit a világnak és nem leszek olyan kifinomult, mint ő.
Nem keresztény temetést érdemelt volna, hanem egy velencei karnevált, adomákat és felidézett vicceket, és kockás nadrágot és selyemingeket. Max, te már a Felföldön lovagolsz egy vaslovon, de lehet, már az égi hajód hídján állsz.
ps. Utoljára csattogott neked a Photoshopom :)
De aztán lassan belevesztem a hivatásba, elkapott a hév, és beálltam. Ez tényleg gáz, már egy jót depizni sem tudok, ha bellek vannak körülöttem.
1-1 (l,r) shoulder-flow: C&P-WM-OHSq-TGU↓-AB-TGU↑-OHSq-WM-rack-MP
1 ladder (1-2-3) of MP @ 20 kg
1-1 min (l,r) farmer walk @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 24 kg
15:15, 10 rounds, 10 swings @ 40 kg per round
2 min rest
15:15, 10 rounds, 10 swings @ 40 kg per round
3 min rest
15:15, 10 rounds, 10 swings @ 40 kg per round
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 24 kg
Mélyen megérintett Max halála. Eddig nem voltam olyan temetésen, ahol közelebbi barátomat vagy rokonomat búcsúztattuk volna. Valahogy a nagymamák és nagynénik nem tartoztak ide. De Max közeli csapás volt, bár kb. 10 éve nem találkoztunk.
Nem csak megérintett, de megdöbbentett. Megdöbbentett Szalkai Laci könnyben úszó szeme. Szégyellem magam, mert pont Max mutatta be azt, hogy senkit nem érdemes beskatulyázni, mert hátha pont ő cáfolja meg fényesen ragyogva az ítéletet. Sajnálom, hogy soha nem leszek olyan tehetséges, nem adok annyit a világnak és nem leszek olyan kifinomult, mint ő.
Nem keresztény temetést érdemelt volna, hanem egy velencei karnevált, adomákat és felidézett vicceket, és kockás nadrágot és selyemingeket. Max, te már a Felföldön lovagolsz egy vaslovon, de lehet, már az égi hajód hídján állsz.
ps. Utoljára csattogott neked a Photoshopom :)
De aztán lassan belevesztem a hivatásba, elkapott a hév, és beálltam. Ez tényleg gáz, már egy jót depizni sem tudok, ha bellek vannak körülöttem.
1-1 (l,r) shoulder-flow: C&P-WM-OHSq-TGU↓-AB-TGU↑-OHSq-WM-rack-MP
1 ladder (1-2-3) of MP @ 20 kg
1-1 min (l,r) farmer walk @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 24 kg
15:15, 10 rounds, 10 swings @ 40 kg per round
2 min rest
15:15, 10 rounds, 10 swings @ 40 kg per round
3 min rest
15:15, 10 rounds, 10 swings @ 40 kg per round
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 24 kg
2010. november 5., péntek
Megint heavy swingek
Egyre jobban tetszenek ezek a heviszvingek. Jók alkarra, meg mindenre, ahogy szeretve tisztelt párttitkárunk mondaná. Emellett szerdáról kedvet kaptam egy kis erőgyakorlatozásra is, bár azóta össze vagyok törve, meghúztam az alkaromat, meg a csuklóm se száz... megint komolyabban kell szednem a Joint-X-et.
Top of the minute: 10 x 20 SW @ 32 kg
3 x (1-2-3) ladder of C&P @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) try for C&P @ 32 kg (was push-press then active neg)
Top of the minute: 10 x 20 SW @ 32 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 24 kg
Top of the minute: 10 x 20 SW @ 32 kg
3 x (1-2-3) ladder of C&P @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) try for C&P @ 32 kg (was push-press then active neg)
Top of the minute: 10 x 20 SW @ 32 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 24 kg
2010. november 3., szerda
Gyúrtunk, vzg
De előbb a hétfő, mert ugye kicsit csúszott a hétvégi VO2max:
3-3 (l,r) WM @ 20 kg
VO2max protocol, 36:36, 12 rounds, 17 snatches @ 20 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 24 kg
2 x 5-5 (l,r) halos @ 24 kg
A VO2max annyira nem esett jól, ehhez képest toltam 12 körig, de utána leestem nullára. De büntetésből csináltam egy csomó hálót 24-gyel.
Utána szerdán meg gyúrtunk egy jól. Mindig azok az edzések sikerülnek durvára, amiket egy órával előtte pánikolok össze.
3-3 (l,r) WM @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 24 kg
30 SW @ 32 kg
5-5 (l,r) C&P @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) 1HSW @ 32 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) CL+1HSW @ 24 kg
5-5 see-saw Press @ 2x24 kg
10-10 (l,r) HP @ 24 kg
3 dMP @ 2x24 kg
10-10 (l,r) SN @ 24 kg
3 rounds:
10 slow DL @ 32 kg
10-10 (l,r) DT @ 20 kg :))) (dragon twist)
5-5 (l,r) renegade row @ 2x24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 24 kg
Hát ölég durva volt így 32/24-gyel, de mindhárman élveztük. Asszem. Ráadásul megfogadtam, hogy nem nagyon fogok többet 24 alatt, kivéve a VO2max-hoz. Emellett látszik, hogy a spontán tömegnövelésem (értsd: olyan speciális Warrior Diet, amikor nap közben is eszel) működik.
3-3 (l,r) WM @ 20 kg
VO2max protocol, 36:36, 12 rounds, 17 snatches @ 20 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 24 kg
2 x 5-5 (l,r) halos @ 24 kg
A VO2max annyira nem esett jól, ehhez képest toltam 12 körig, de utána leestem nullára. De büntetésből csináltam egy csomó hálót 24-gyel.
Utána szerdán meg gyúrtunk egy jól. Mindig azok az edzések sikerülnek durvára, amiket egy órával előtte pánikolok össze.
3-3 (l,r) WM @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 24 kg
30 SW @ 32 kg
5-5 (l,r) C&P @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) 1HSW @ 32 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) CL+1HSW @ 24 kg
5-5 see-saw Press @ 2x24 kg
10-10 (l,r) HP @ 24 kg
3 dMP @ 2x24 kg
10-10 (l,r) SN @ 24 kg
3 rounds:
10 slow DL @ 32 kg
10-10 (l,r) DT @ 20 kg :))) (dragon twist)
5-5 (l,r) renegade row @ 2x24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 24 kg
Hát ölég durva volt így 32/24-gyel, de mindhárman élveztük. Asszem. Ráadásul megfogadtam, hogy nem nagyon fogok többet 24 alatt, kivéve a VO2max-hoz. Emellett látszik, hogy a spontán tömegnövelésem (értsd: olyan speciális Warrior Diet, amikor nap közben is eszel) működik.
dragon twist,
hard style,
renegade row,
2010. október 31., vasárnap
Heavy Swing nap
Korábbi felismerésem, hogy nálam kimaradt a heavy swing időszak, így ma az alkar-felkészítés jegyében meglengettem az itthoni legnagyobbat:
10x20 SW @ 32 kg
2-2 (l,r) C&P @ 20 kg
2-2 (l,r) C&P @ 24 kg
1 (r) C&P @ 32 kg (!)
1 (l) try on C&P @ 32 kg then 1 (l) push-press @ 32 kg
1 (r) C&P @ 32 kg
1 (l) try on C&P @ 32 kg then 1 (l) push-press @ 32 kg
10 rounds, top of 90 sec:
20 SW @ 32 kg
10 pushups
Az első 200-nál még éreztem, hogy húzza, ott 30:30-ban ment, a végén nem is az alkaromra húzódott, hanem a tüdőmre...
10x20 SW @ 32 kg
2-2 (l,r) C&P @ 20 kg
2-2 (l,r) C&P @ 24 kg
1 (r) C&P @ 32 kg (!)
1 (l) try on C&P @ 32 kg then 1 (l) push-press @ 32 kg
1 (r) C&P @ 32 kg
1 (l) try on C&P @ 32 kg then 1 (l) push-press @ 32 kg
10 rounds, top of 90 sec:
20 SW @ 32 kg
10 pushups
Az első 200-nál még éreztem, hogy húzza, ott 30:30-ban ment, a végén nem is az alkaromra húzódott, hanem a tüdőmre...
2010. október 27., szerda
Mostantól magyarul
Comrades and Comrade Ladies! Sajnos a titkos edzésnaplóm egyre ismertebb, már legalább heten vagytok, English language is okafogyott, ezért mostantól magyarul. (Amíg a spanyolom elég jó nem lesz... pedig milyen szép lenne a escalera de pulse militar vagy a balanceo de solo mano :)
Ma is sissy voltam, mert egész délelőtt a hátam közepén lévő titkos és misztikus problémával küzdöttem, amely miatt a bal vállamat jól meg is húztam/erőltettem. Ettől persze a vállmobilitásom sem javult - eddig is a bal volt mobilabb.
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg (yes, twice)
3 rounds:
20 SW @ 24 kg
20 mountain climbers
MP ladders: 4, 4, 3, 4 steps @ 20 kg
10 min Long Cycle C&J: 62 reps (about 8 min)
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
9. percben abbahagytam, mert nem akartam még jobban meghúzni.
Ma is sissy voltam, mert egész délelőtt a hátam közepén lévő titkos és misztikus problémával küzdöttem, amely miatt a bal vállamat jól meg is húztam/erőltettem. Ettől persze a vállmobilitásom sem javult - eddig is a bal volt mobilabb.
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg (yes, twice)
3 rounds:
20 SW @ 24 kg
20 mountain climbers
MP ladders: 4, 4, 3, 4 steps @ 20 kg
10 min Long Cycle C&J: 62 reps (about 8 min)
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
9. percben abbahagytam, mert nem akartam még jobban meghúzni.
2010. október 23., szombat
VO2max Session
So did I spin up my forearms for the task?
5-5 (l,r) CL @ 16 kg
3-3 (l,r) WM @ 16 kg
5-5 (l,r) MP @ 20 kg
3-3 (l,r) WM @ 20 kg
20 SW @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) WM @ 24 kg
VO2max protocol, 36:36, 18 rounds, 20 kg
12 rounds @ 17 reps
2 rounds @ 15 reps
4 rounds @ 13 reps
WTF. I'm still not on the level I was on 9/11 :) This year I mean! What did I do wrong. I should've not gone to London? Did it set back that much?
5-5 (l,r) CL @ 16 kg
3-3 (l,r) WM @ 16 kg
5-5 (l,r) MP @ 20 kg
3-3 (l,r) WM @ 20 kg
20 SW @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) WM @ 24 kg
VO2max protocol, 36:36, 18 rounds, 20 kg
12 rounds @ 17 reps
2 rounds @ 15 reps
4 rounds @ 13 reps
WTF. I'm still not on the level I was on 9/11 :) This year I mean! What did I do wrong. I should've not gone to London? Did it set back that much?
2010. október 21., csütörtök
"I Didn't Want It" Thursday
5 x 20 SW @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
5 x 20 SW @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
8 x 22 SW @ 24 kg (really it was 30:30 @ 22 reps)
10-10 (l,r) halos
So. It would've been my rest day but I could not stand not to grab a bell. Only swings with the groups but at the end I very much felt my forearms. On one hand it was disturbing that a couple of swings could make them burn. On the other hand I was glad that so far I gave some real work to my forearms to get in shape for the weekend. So we'll see at the weekend...
5 x 20 SW @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
5 x 20 SW @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
8 x 22 SW @ 24 kg (really it was 30:30 @ 22 reps)
10-10 (l,r) halos
So. It would've been my rest day but I could not stand not to grab a bell. Only swings with the groups but at the end I very much felt my forearms. On one hand it was disturbing that a couple of swings could make them burn. On the other hand I was glad that so far I gave some real work to my forearms to get in shape for the weekend. So we'll see at the weekend...
2010. október 20., szerda
Wednesday Squat & Press
30 hindu squats
20 SW @ 24 kg
20 GS @ 20 kg
10-10 (l,r) CL @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) lunge FW @ 20 kg
5-5 (l,r) dWM @ 16+16 kg
10-10 (l,r) see-saw Press @ 2x16 kg
10 dSq @ 2x16 kg
10 burpees
MP ladders 4, 3, 2 @ 24 kg
45-45 secs (l,r) standing overhead @ 24 kg
Forearm buster, 3 rounds:
30" SW @ 24 kg
30" SW @ 32 kg
30" rest
30" SW @ 32 kg
30" SW 24 kg
30" rest
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
I couldn't do the forearm buster properly. The first round went with 20 reps but afterwards I barely managed to squeez 10 reps in the second halfs. But everybody was down, something was in the air... :(
30 hindu squats
20 SW @ 24 kg
20 GS @ 20 kg
10-10 (l,r) CL @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) lunge FW @ 20 kg
5-5 (l,r) dWM @ 16+16 kg
10-10 (l,r) see-saw Press @ 2x16 kg
10 dSq @ 2x16 kg
10 burpees
MP ladders 4, 3, 2 @ 24 kg
45-45 secs (l,r) standing overhead @ 24 kg
Forearm buster, 3 rounds:
30" SW @ 24 kg
30" SW @ 32 kg
30" rest
30" SW @ 32 kg
30" SW 24 kg
30" rest
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
I couldn't do the forearm buster properly. The first round went with 20 reps but afterwards I barely managed to squeez 10 reps in the second halfs. But everybody was down, something was in the air... :(
2010. október 18., hétfő
Monday Group
3 rounds:
20 SW
10 pushups
3 rounds:
5-5 (l,r) C&P @ 20 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
VO2max protocol 15:15, 40 rounds, 8 snatches/round @ 16 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
3 rounds:
20 SW
10 pushups
3 rounds:
5-5 (l,r) C&P @ 20 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
VO2max protocol 15:15, 40 rounds, 8 snatches/round @ 16 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
2010. október 16., szombat
Weekend Session
1-1 (l,r) AB-TGU-AB @ 16 kg
3-3 (l,r) WM @ 20 kg
1-1 (l,r) 5 SW-5 MP-5 SN @ 20 kg
VO2max protocol, 36:36 snatches @ 20 kg
6 rounds @ 17 reps
4 rounds @ 15 reps
2 rounds @ 13 reps
1-1 (l,r) AB-TGU-AB @ 16 kg
3-3 (l,r) WM @ 20 kg
1-1 (l,r) 5 SW-5 MP-5 SN @ 20 kg
VO2max protocol, 36:36 snatches @ 20 kg
6 rounds @ 17 reps
4 rounds @ 15 reps
2 rounds @ 13 reps
2010. október 13., szerda
Swing Is Good
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
15:15 swings, 20 rounds, 11 reps/round, total 220 swings @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
3 ladders of 1-2-3-4 MP @ 20 kg
Top of the minute:
4 x 25 SW @ 24 kg
4 x 20 SW @ 32 kg
4 x 15 SW @ 40 kg
4 x 20 SW @ 32 kg
4 x 25 SW @ 24 kg
I'm glad that I could do all the swings :) Not one skipped. My forearms are getting stronger, hope that the weekend 36:36 will be good.
Today's total: 640 SW - 420 @ 24 kg, 160 @ 32 kg, 60 @ 40 kg :D
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
15:15 swings, 20 rounds, 11 reps/round, total 220 swings @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
3 ladders of 1-2-3-4 MP @ 20 kg
Top of the minute:
4 x 25 SW @ 24 kg
4 x 20 SW @ 32 kg
4 x 15 SW @ 40 kg
4 x 20 SW @ 32 kg
4 x 25 SW @ 24 kg
I'm glad that I could do all the swings :) Not one skipped. My forearms are getting stronger, hope that the weekend 36:36 will be good.
Today's total: 640 SW - 420 @ 24 kg, 160 @ 32 kg, 60 @ 40 kg :D
2010. október 11., hétfő
End of Big Fat Weekend
After overeating for three days (multiple birthdays, stress@work) and not doing anything resembling the swing or snatch I put myself to the task:
couple of cleans @ 20 and 24 kg
10 step DW @ 20 kg
30:30 swings, 10 rounds, 220 reps @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
VO2max protocol, 15:15, 50 rounds, 8 reps/round, total of 400 snatches @ 16 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
couple of cleans @ 20 and 24 kg
10 step DW @ 20 kg
30:30 swings, 10 rounds, 220 reps @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
VO2max protocol, 15:15, 50 rounds, 8 reps/round, total of 400 snatches @ 16 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
2010. október 6., szerda
Clean & Jerk
2-4-6-8-10 ladder of DL, GS, SW each @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 20 kg
without putting down:
(l,r) C&P, 3 SN, WM, change hands with alt SW
(l,r) C&P, 2 SN, WM, change hands with alt SW
(l,r) C&P, 1 SN, WM, change hands with alt SW
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 20 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
10 min Long Cycle C&J @ 24 kg: 84 reps
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 20 kg
2-4-6-8-10 ladder of DL, GS, SW each @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 20 kg
without putting down:
(l,r) C&P, 3 SN, WM, change hands with alt SW
(l,r) C&P, 2 SN, WM, change hands with alt SW
(l,r) C&P, 1 SN, WM, change hands with alt SW
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 20 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
10 min Long Cycle C&J @ 24 kg: 84 reps
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 20 kg
2010. október 4., hétfő
Didn't Want it...
I had some stiffness in my shoulder blades (!) after the successful weekend so I didn't want it:
4 x 30 sec one handed swings (21 reps/round)
20 hindu squats (old syle, I dont't know the harder, new one)
2-2 (l,r) AB @ 24 kg
20 SW @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,) WM (KB low pos) @ 24 kg
VO2max protocol 15:15, 24 rounds, 8 reps/round @ 16 kg
Viking push press 15:15, 16 round, 9-10 reps/round @ 16 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
Yesterday I teared my palms a bit so I was cautious and switched to vpp after 16 rounds.
4 x 30 sec one handed swings (21 reps/round)
20 hindu squats (old syle, I dont't know the harder, new one)
2-2 (l,r) AB @ 24 kg
20 SW @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,) WM (KB low pos) @ 24 kg
VO2max protocol 15:15, 24 rounds, 8 reps/round @ 16 kg
Viking push press 15:15, 16 round, 9-10 reps/round @ 16 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
Yesterday I teared my palms a bit so I was cautious and switched to vpp after 16 rounds.
Press and Snatch Weekend
2-2 (l,r) AB @ 16 kg
3-3 (l,r) AB @ 20 kg
4-4 (l,r) AB @ 24 kg
15 x 2-2 (l,r) C&P @ 24 kg
2-2 (l,r) WM @ 16 kg
20 SW @ 20 kg
2-2 (l,r) WM @ 20 kg
20 SW @ 24 kg
2-2 (l,r) WM @ 24 kg
20 SW @ 32 kg
VO2max protocol, 36:36, snatch @ 20 kg
10 rounds @ 17 reps
2 rounda @ 14 reps
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 24 kg
2-2 (l,r) AB @ 16 kg
3-3 (l,r) AB @ 20 kg
4-4 (l,r) AB @ 24 kg
15 x 2-2 (l,r) C&P @ 24 kg
2-2 (l,r) WM @ 16 kg
20 SW @ 20 kg
2-2 (l,r) WM @ 20 kg
20 SW @ 24 kg
2-2 (l,r) WM @ 24 kg
20 SW @ 32 kg
VO2max protocol, 36:36, snatch @ 20 kg
10 rounds @ 17 reps
2 rounda @ 14 reps
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 24 kg
2010. szeptember 29., szerda
Crippled Press Day
Leg-matrix 2:36 (here I fucked up my glutes and quads)
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
stretching (tried to make my butt working again)
1-1 (l,r) AB-TGU-AB
45-45 secs overhead stand @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) AB-TGU↑-WM-TGU↓-AB @ 24 kg
1-1 min overhead stand @ 24 kg
ladders of MP @ 20 kg
4 steps
4x3 steps (I thought I shyt myself)
complex after Ricsi, SW @ 24 kg, burpees @ 95 kg, C&P @ 20 kg
10 SW + 10 burpees
10 SW + 9 burpees
10 SW + 1 burpee
10 SW + 5-5 (l,r) C&P
10 SW + 1-1 (l,r) C&p
time: 17:48
stretching + SMR
Leg-matrix 2:36 (here I fucked up my glutes and quads)
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
stretching (tried to make my butt working again)
1-1 (l,r) AB-TGU-AB
45-45 secs overhead stand @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) AB-TGU↑-WM-TGU↓-AB @ 24 kg
1-1 min overhead stand @ 24 kg
ladders of MP @ 20 kg
4 steps
4x3 steps (I thought I shyt myself)
complex after Ricsi, SW @ 24 kg, burpees @ 95 kg, C&P @ 20 kg
10 SW + 10 burpees
10 SW + 9 burpees
10 SW + 1 burpee
10 SW + 5-5 (l,r) C&P
10 SW + 1-1 (l,r) C&p
time: 17:48
stretching + SMR
2010. szeptember 28., kedd
Last Week
Well, back from London. As I promised I did GTG but I didn't came back a Popeye :(
Last week GTGs:
tuesday: 5x10-10 (l,r) close of CoC No. 1
wednesday: 5 rounds
thursday: 4 rounds
friday: 7 rounds
saturday: 8 round - las 4 were doubles which is much easier
I debated with myself to start the practice because after 24 hours bus trip on saturday and 8 days off I didn't feel the zing. But I didn't want to waste the effort of the GTG.
Short JM :)
3-3 (l,r) SN-WM continuously without putting down @ 16 kg
3-3 (l,r) SN-WM @ 16 kg
3-3 (l,r) SN-WM @ 20 kg
VO2max protocol 36:36 @ 20 kg
6 rounds @ 17 reps
4 rounds @ 14 reps
So I was disappointed. My forearms showed nothing like they were stronger but I think the real cause was lingering fatigue from the previous day. All the same: I did it.
1-1 (l,r) CL-MP-TGU↓-floorP-TGU↑-MP @ 24 kg
VO2max protocol 15:15, 30 rounds @ 16 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
Last week GTGs:
tuesday: 5x10-10 (l,r) close of CoC No. 1
wednesday: 5 rounds
thursday: 4 rounds
friday: 7 rounds
saturday: 8 round - las 4 were doubles which is much easier
I debated with myself to start the practice because after 24 hours bus trip on saturday and 8 days off I didn't feel the zing. But I didn't want to waste the effort of the GTG.
Short JM :)
3-3 (l,r) SN-WM continuously without putting down @ 16 kg
3-3 (l,r) SN-WM @ 16 kg
3-3 (l,r) SN-WM @ 20 kg
VO2max protocol 36:36 @ 20 kg
6 rounds @ 17 reps
4 rounds @ 14 reps
So I was disappointed. My forearms showed nothing like they were stronger but I think the real cause was lingering fatigue from the previous day. All the same: I did it.
1-1 (l,r) CL-MP-TGU↓-floorP-TGU↑-MP @ 24 kg
VO2max protocol 15:15, 30 rounds @ 16 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
2010. szeptember 18., szombat
Farewell Session
Tomorrow morning I depart so I did a farewell party with my bells. I think I managed to throw one like a true viking warrior—at least in my league... :)
2-2 (l,r) AB @ 16 kg
2-2 (l,r) AB @ 20 kg
2-2 (l,r) AB @ 24 kg
30-30 secs (l,r) overhead stand @ 32 kg (thank Ricsi for the idea but I can't find it)
3 times 1-2-3 step ladder of C&P @ 24 kg (going back to 24...)
VO2max protocol, 36:36 @ 20 kg
12 rounds @ 17 reps
4 rounds @ 14 reps
2x5-5 (l,r) halos @ 24 kg
Stepping back in VO2max but even Thórólf did stepped back, and not once! Decided to do much GTG next week with my CoCs :) and I come back a Popeye! Next Sunday I will see what can I do with my new forearms.
2-2 (l,r) AB @ 16 kg
2-2 (l,r) AB @ 20 kg
2-2 (l,r) AB @ 24 kg
30-30 secs (l,r) overhead stand @ 32 kg (thank Ricsi for the idea but I can't find it)
3 times 1-2-3 step ladder of C&P @ 24 kg (going back to 24...)
VO2max protocol, 36:36 @ 20 kg
12 rounds @ 17 reps
4 rounds @ 14 reps
2x5-5 (l,r) halos @ 24 kg
Stepping back in VO2max but even Thórólf did stepped back, and not once! Decided to do much GTG next week with my CoCs :) and I come back a Popeye! Next Sunday I will see what can I do with my new forearms.
2010. szeptember 17., péntek
1-1 (l,r) TGU up - 3 MP - TGU down
1-1 (l,r) TGU up - 5 SN - TGU down
3 rounds: 5 bicep curls @ 20 kg, 5 tricep extension @ 20 kg
25 dC&P @ 2x20 kg - 3:53
50 burpees - 11:11
100 hindu squats - 14:26
200 SW @ 24 kg - 23:25
1-1 (l,r) TGU up - 3 MP - TGU down
1-1 (l,r) TGU up - 5 SN - TGU down
3 rounds: 5 bicep curls @ 20 kg, 5 tricep extension @ 20 kg
25 dC&P @ 2x20 kg - 3:53
50 burpees - 11:11
100 hindu squats - 14:26
200 SW @ 24 kg - 23:25
2010. szeptember 15., szerda
The Boss Is Dead, Long Live the New Boss
He crashed the entire surface of the screen :) Bullseye with a 16 :D
But hail the new evil black one!
But hail the new evil black one!
2010. szeptember 13., hétfő
Killed My GymBoss with a 16
But I succeeded to do a decent workout:
couple of GSs
30:30, 8 rounds, 22 SW/round @ 32 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
JM again
20 SW @ 20 kg
15 SW @ 24 kg
10 SW @ 32 kg (then I stepped up)
2 rounds:
20 SW @ 24 kg
15 SW @ 32 kg
10 SW @ 40 kg
VO2max protocol, 15:15, 28 rounds, 7 snatches/round @ 20 kg, 196 reps total
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
Originally planned 30 rounds of VO2max for them (the advanced group) but István slipped one foot, let go the KB and hit my GymBoss® totally square from some 8 meters! I think he was fed up with the darn VO2max and wished it wound end. It did. My GymBoss died. Picture coming...
couple of GSs
30:30, 8 rounds, 22 SW/round @ 32 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
JM again
20 SW @ 20 kg
15 SW @ 24 kg
10 SW @ 32 kg (then I stepped up)
2 rounds:
20 SW @ 24 kg
15 SW @ 32 kg
10 SW @ 40 kg
VO2max protocol, 15:15, 28 rounds, 7 snatches/round @ 20 kg, 196 reps total
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
Originally planned 30 rounds of VO2max for them (the advanced group) but István slipped one foot, let go the KB and hit my GymBoss® totally square from some 8 meters! I think he was fed up with the darn VO2max and wished it wound end. It did. My GymBoss died. Picture coming...
2010. szeptember 11., szombat
Sissy Week
I fought the cold I cought last weekend so the first half of the week was sissy:
10 dMP @ 2x20 kg
20 lunge forward @ 20 kg (alternating legs)
30 burpees (was the plan, 20 was in reality)
40 SW @ 24 kg
50 hindu squats
3 rounds:
8 steps dragon walk, 5 bicep curls, 5 triceps
VO2max protocol, 15:15, 20 rounds @ 20 kg, 7 reps/round, 140 snatches total
Wednesday (more sissiness):
5 rounds: 30 secs SW @ 24 kg, 30 secs figure 8 @ 24 kg, 30 secs rest
3x3 step ladder of MP @ 20 kg
5 dC&Sq @ 2x20 kg
10-10 (l,r) 1HSW @ 24 kg
1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
10 burpees
10-10 (l,r) 1HSW @ 24 kg
1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
5 dC&Sq @ 2x20 kg
10-10 (l,r) 1HSW @ 24 kg
1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
3-3 (l,r) armbar @ 20 kg
30 SW @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) AB @ 24 kg
30 SW @ 32 kg
1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
1-1 TGU @ 32 kg
VO2max protocol, 36:36 @ 20 kg, 298 reps total
14 rounds @ 17 reps
4 rounds @ 15 reps :D
2x5-5 (l,r) halos @ 24 kg
The 36:36 is still hell on my forearms but I'm getting close to make the 18 rounds fully then I will see whether I raise the reps to the max (19-20 reps) or I raise the rounds count. Slowly I will move to 24 kg in MP ladders and halos...
10 dMP @ 2x20 kg
20 lunge forward @ 20 kg (alternating legs)
30 burpees (was the plan, 20 was in reality)
40 SW @ 24 kg
50 hindu squats
3 rounds:
8 steps dragon walk, 5 bicep curls, 5 triceps
VO2max protocol, 15:15, 20 rounds @ 20 kg, 7 reps/round, 140 snatches total
Wednesday (more sissiness):
5 rounds: 30 secs SW @ 24 kg, 30 secs figure 8 @ 24 kg, 30 secs rest
3x3 step ladder of MP @ 20 kg
5 dC&Sq @ 2x20 kg
10-10 (l,r) 1HSW @ 24 kg
1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
10 burpees
10-10 (l,r) 1HSW @ 24 kg
1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
5 dC&Sq @ 2x20 kg
10-10 (l,r) 1HSW @ 24 kg
1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
3-3 (l,r) armbar @ 20 kg
30 SW @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) AB @ 24 kg
30 SW @ 32 kg
1-1 TGU @ 24 kg
1-1 TGU @ 32 kg
VO2max protocol, 36:36 @ 20 kg, 298 reps total
14 rounds @ 17 reps
4 rounds @ 15 reps :D
2x5-5 (l,r) halos @ 24 kg
The 36:36 is still hell on my forearms but I'm getting close to make the 18 rounds fully then I will see whether I raise the reps to the max (19-20 reps) or I raise the rounds count. Slowly I will move to 24 kg in MP ladders and halos...
2010. szeptember 6., hétfő
Haladó csoport eredményei
Személyiségi jogok, adatvédelem, emberi méltósághoz való jog :) miatt csak kezdőbetűk:
szept. 15. 25-50-100-200 Emlékszik valaki? | |
szept. 22. BMF+ Zs.M. @ 12/6 kg: 10:30 G.B. @ 20/12 kg: 8:55 K.T. @ 16/8 kg: 10:49 H.Sz. @ 24/12 kg: 12:56 | nov. 17. BMF+ G.B. @ 32/16 kg: 10:08 P.G. @ 32/16 kg: 12:06 N.L. @ 24/16 kg: 10:22 G.E. @ 12/8 kg: 11:24 |
szept. 29. 10 SW, 5-5 C&P... T.Sz. @ 16 kg: 17:57 P.P. @ 20 kg: 17:48 | |
szept. 29. 10 min Long Cycle C&J Zs.M. @ 12 kg: 64 Ny.I. @ 20 kg: 90 G.B. @ 24 kg: 87 T.Sz. @ 20 kg: 70 | okt. 27. 10 min Long Cycle C&J Zs.M. ? Ny.I. @ 16/20 kg: 60/40 G.B. @ 24 kg: 95 Cs.D. @ 16 kg: 84 |
Kezdő csoport eredmények
Személyiségi jogok, adatvédelem, emberi méltósághoz való jog :) miatt csak kezdőbetűk:
Mindenkinek gratulálok, szépen dolgoztatok és nagyokat javítottatok két honap alatt! :)
szept. 15. BMF R.Z. @ 16 kg: ? G.E. @ 8 kg: 2,5 kör N.P. @ 16 kg: 10:20 N.L. @ 16 kg: 7:53 Cs.E. @ 8 kg: 11:40 R.A. @ 8 kg: 4 kör E.T. @ 16 kg: ? J.A. @16 kg: 10:55 Sz.D. @ 12 kg: 4,5 kör (13 p) S.P. @ 16 kg: 12:56 | nov. 8. BMF R.Z. @ 16 kg: 11:33 G.E. @ 12/8 kg: 9:55 N.P. @ 20 kg: 9:19 Cs.E. @ 8 kg: 10:28 E.T. @ 16 kg: 10:33 N.L. @ 20 kg: 9:32 |
szept. 22. 5x20 SW, 10 bpee R.Z. @ 16 kg: 10:30 (3,5 kör) G.E. @ 8 kg: 8:40 (4,5 kör) N.P. @ 16 kg: 9:54 N.L. @ 16 kg: 6:52 J.A. @ 16 kg: 10:34 S.P. @ 16 kg: 9:37 | nov. 22. 5x20 SW, 10 bpee R.Z. @ 16 kg: 10:00 G.E. @ 12 kg: 6:40 N.P. @ 20 kg: 7:09 N.L. @ 20 kg: 5:54 J.A. @ 16 kg: betegségből vissza Cs.E. @ 12 kg: 7:40 |
szept. 27. Leg-matrix R.Z.: 5:00 G.E.: 3:58 N.P.: 4:08 Cs.E.: 4:23 N.L.: 3:27 J.A.: 3:40 S.P.: 4:08 | nov. 24. Leg-matrix R.Z.: 3:34 G.E.: nem csinálta N.P.: 2:18 N.L.: 2:18 J.A.: 2:43 |
szept. 29. 10 SW, 1 bpee, 9 SW, 2 bpee... R.Z. @ 16 kg: ~9:00 (7 kör) G.E. @ 8 kg: ~8:00 (8 kör) N.P. @ 16 kg: 10:10 Cs.E. @ 8 kg: 12:32 J.A. @ 16 kg: 12:17 R.A. @ 6 kg: ~10:00 (9 kör) S.P. @ 20 kg: 10:05 | nov. 15. 10 SW, 1 bpee, 9 SW, 2 bpee... R.Z. @ 16 kg: 9:50 G.E. @ 12 kg: 6:00 N.P. @ 20 kg: 6:26 Cs.E. @ 8 kg: 7:00 N.L. @ 20 kg: 5:40 |
Mindenkinek gratulálok, szépen dolgoztatok és nagyokat javítottatok két honap alatt! :)
2010. szeptember 4., szombat
Saturday: Back To VO2max
But before that, monday:
3 rounds:
30 sec SW @ 24 kg
30 sec SW @ 32 kg
30 sec rest
30 sec SW @ 32 kg
30 swc SW @ 24 kg
30 sec rest
2 rounds:
10 situp @ 16 kg
10 windshield swiper
20 slow twists @ 16 kg
30 rounds VO2max protocol, 15:15 viking push press @ 16 kg, 9 reps/round
10-10 halo @ 20 kg
10 dDL @ 2x20 kg
10 dSW @ 2x20 kg
10 dCL @ 2x20 kg
10 dSQ @ 2x20 kg
3-3 dWM @ 2x20 kg
5 dMP @ 2x20 kg
5 dThruster @ 2x20 kg
5 C&J @ 2x20 kg
the more rounds in 20 minutes:
10 DL @ 20 kg
10 pushups
10-10 (l,r) SN @ 20 kg
And finally, Saturday:
5 rounds:
10 dSW @ 2x16 kg
5 dC&P @ 2x16 kg
VO2max protocol, 36:36 @ 20 kg
12 rounds @ 17 reps
6 rounds @ 13 reps
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
4-4 (l,r) halos @ 24 kg
3 rounds:
30 sec SW @ 24 kg
30 sec SW @ 32 kg
30 sec rest
30 sec SW @ 32 kg
30 swc SW @ 24 kg
30 sec rest
2 rounds:
10 situp @ 16 kg
10 windshield swiper
20 slow twists @ 16 kg
30 rounds VO2max protocol, 15:15 viking push press @ 16 kg, 9 reps/round
10-10 halo @ 20 kg
10 dDL @ 2x20 kg
10 dSW @ 2x20 kg
10 dCL @ 2x20 kg
10 dSQ @ 2x20 kg
3-3 dWM @ 2x20 kg
5 dMP @ 2x20 kg
5 dThruster @ 2x20 kg
5 C&J @ 2x20 kg
the more rounds in 20 minutes:
10 DL @ 20 kg
10 pushups
10-10 (l,r) SN @ 20 kg
And finally, Saturday:
5 rounds:
10 dSW @ 2x16 kg
5 dC&P @ 2x16 kg
VO2max protocol, 36:36 @ 20 kg
12 rounds @ 17 reps
6 rounds @ 13 reps
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
4-4 (l,r) halos @ 24 kg
2010. augusztus 26., csütörtök
Testing For Saturday
I'm still battling my pulled neck muscle which is going down to my shoulder blades during the day. This week I didn't work with my victims but I'd love to work out on Saturday at Richie's Weekend Seminar. So I tested myself today:
20+25 min biking, 18.9 km
1 hour rest
2-2 (l,r) armbar @ 16 kg
2-2 (l,r) brettzel
2-2 (l,r) armbar @ 20 kg
2-2 (l,r) brettzel
2-2 (l,r) armbar @ 24 kg
2-2 (l,r) brettzel
1x (1-2-3-4-5) ladder of MP @ 16 kg
1x (1-2-3-4) ladder of MP @ 20 kg
1x (1-2-3) ladder of MP @ 24 kg
10 SW, 1 burpee, 9 SW, 2 burpee, 8 SW,... 1 SW, 10 burpee: 8:53 @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
20+25 min biking, 18.9 km
1 hour rest
2-2 (l,r) armbar @ 16 kg
2-2 (l,r) brettzel
2-2 (l,r) armbar @ 20 kg
2-2 (l,r) brettzel
2-2 (l,r) armbar @ 24 kg
2-2 (l,r) brettzel
1x (1-2-3-4-5) ladder of MP @ 16 kg
1x (1-2-3-4) ladder of MP @ 20 kg
1x (1-2-3) ladder of MP @ 24 kg
10 SW, 1 burpee, 9 SW, 2 burpee, 8 SW,... 1 SW, 10 burpee: 8:53 @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
2010. augusztus 23., hétfő
Small Workouts
Last Friday I pulled a muscle in my neck so I skipped the snatches on Friday and Saturday. It was sad because I did pretty much GTG with my CoCs throughout the week and I was looking forward the 18 rounds of VWC regime. On Sunday I finally started but quickly reverted to TGUs after trying some snatches :(
20 SW @ 20 kg
5-5 (l,r) MP @ 16 kg (it was dawning on me the there will be some trouble)
20 SW @ 20 kg
3 (l) SN @ 20 kg (now it was obvious that no snatches for today)
20 SW @ 20 kg
2-2 (l,r) TGU @ 16 kg
10 double close @ CoC No. 1
2-2 (l,r) TGU @ 20 kg
10 double close @ CoC No. 1
2-2 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
10 double close @ CoC No. 1
2-2 (l,r) TGU @ 32 kg
10 double close @ CoC No. 1
20 SW on top of the minute, 8 rounds alternating @ 24 kg and @ 32 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
I wanted to rest today because my neck didn't get better. But I was caught up...
10 GS @ 32 kg
10 wide pushups
10 slow twists @ 16 kg
7 rounds in 15 min
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 16 kg
20 SW @ 20 kg
5-5 (l,r) MP @ 16 kg (it was dawning on me the there will be some trouble)
20 SW @ 20 kg
3 (l) SN @ 20 kg (now it was obvious that no snatches for today)
20 SW @ 20 kg
2-2 (l,r) TGU @ 16 kg
10 double close @ CoC No. 1
2-2 (l,r) TGU @ 20 kg
10 double close @ CoC No. 1
2-2 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
10 double close @ CoC No. 1
2-2 (l,r) TGU @ 32 kg
10 double close @ CoC No. 1
20 SW on top of the minute, 8 rounds alternating @ 24 kg and @ 32 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
I wanted to rest today because my neck didn't get better. But I was caught up...
10 GS @ 32 kg
10 wide pushups
10 slow twists @ 16 kg
7 rounds in 15 min
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 16 kg
2010. augusztus 18., szerda
This Week So Far
4 dC&P @ 2x20 kg
15 dSW @ 2x20 kg
4 dC&P @ 2x20 kg
5 dC@FSq @ 2x20 kg
4 dC&P @ 2x20 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 32 kg
4 dC&P @ 2x20 kg
3-3 (l,r) WM @ 24 kg
4 dC&P @ 2x20 kg
5-5 SN @ 20 kg
1st Tabata: swings @ 24 kg
2nd Tabata: burpees
3rd Tabata: one handed swings @ 24 kg
4th Tabata: thrusters @ 20 kg
5th Tabata: snatches @ 20 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos
Throughout the day 5 x 10 double closing of CoC No. 1 (GTG)
Throughout the day 2 x 10 double closing of CoC No. 1 GTG style
Tabata: swings @ 32 kg (14 reps/round)
2 x 10 ssP @ 2x20 kg
2 x 1-2-3 ladder of C&P @ 24 kg
1 x 1-2-3 ladder of BUC&P @ 16 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 32 kg
4 rounds:
10 SW @ 24 kg
10 SW @ 32 kg
10 SW @ 48 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
4 dC&P @ 2x20 kg
15 dSW @ 2x20 kg
4 dC&P @ 2x20 kg
5 dC@FSq @ 2x20 kg
4 dC&P @ 2x20 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 32 kg
4 dC&P @ 2x20 kg
3-3 (l,r) WM @ 24 kg
4 dC&P @ 2x20 kg
5-5 SN @ 20 kg
1st Tabata: swings @ 24 kg
2nd Tabata: burpees
3rd Tabata: one handed swings @ 24 kg
4th Tabata: thrusters @ 20 kg
5th Tabata: snatches @ 20 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos
Throughout the day 5 x 10 double closing of CoC No. 1 (GTG)
Throughout the day 2 x 10 double closing of CoC No. 1 GTG style
Tabata: swings @ 32 kg (14 reps/round)
2 x 10 ssP @ 2x20 kg
2 x 1-2-3 ladder of C&P @ 24 kg
1 x 1-2-3 ladder of BUC&P @ 16 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 32 kg
4 rounds:
10 SW @ 24 kg
10 SW @ 32 kg
10 SW @ 48 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
2010. augusztus 11., szerda
Heavy KBs
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 32 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP @ 2x20 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP closed legs @ 2x20 kg
3-3 (l,r) kneeling MP @ 2x20 kg
3-3 (l,r) sitting MP @ 2x20 kg
3-3 (l,r) floor press @ 2x20 kg
and back to "normal" MP
4 rounds, all @ 32 kg
10 DL
10 SW
5 GS
5-5 (l,r) 1HSW
100 pushups or 4 minutes trying: 70 reps
Yes, my pushups deteriorated, my best was 87 in June. The heavy bell work was nice, I was not so much tired as I expected. Should try 40 kg next time :P
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 32 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP @ 2x20 kg
3-3 (l,r) MP closed legs @ 2x20 kg
3-3 (l,r) kneeling MP @ 2x20 kg
3-3 (l,r) sitting MP @ 2x20 kg
3-3 (l,r) floor press @ 2x20 kg
and back to "normal" MP
4 rounds, all @ 32 kg
10 DL
10 SW
5 GS
5-5 (l,r) 1HSW
100 pushups or 4 minutes trying: 70 reps
Yes, my pushups deteriorated, my best was 87 in June. The heavy bell work was nice, I was not so much tired as I expected. Should try 40 kg next time :P
2010. augusztus 10., kedd
Tired Monday
Monday totals:
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 32 kg
Top of the minute swing combos: 5 1HSW (L), 5 1HSW (R), 5 SW, 6 altSW
8 rounds @ 24 kg
6 rounds @ 32 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
15:15 protocol, every round is different, each is @ 2x20 kg
1. dCL
2. dSW
3. pushups on the KBs
4. dCL
5. ssP
6. dSW
7. double bent-over row
8. dCL
9. dDL
10. dMP
11. dSW
12. renegade row
about 1 min rest and start all over the 12 rounds
10-10 (l,r)
I originally planned 3 rounds continously of the last 15:15 workout but I was winded and some of my victims said that it wound've been insane to do it without rest.
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 32 kg
Top of the minute swing combos: 5 1HSW (L), 5 1HSW (R), 5 SW, 6 altSW
8 rounds @ 24 kg
6 rounds @ 32 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
15:15 protocol, every round is different, each is @ 2x20 kg
1. dCL
2. dSW
3. pushups on the KBs
4. dCL
5. ssP
6. dSW
7. double bent-over row
8. dCL
9. dDL
10. dMP
11. dSW
12. renegade row
about 1 min rest and start all over the 12 rounds
10-10 (l,r)
I originally planned 3 rounds continously of the last 15:15 workout but I was winded and some of my victims said that it wound've been insane to do it without rest.
2010. augusztus 4., szerda
Back With RKC Tribute Session
I'm proud that I managed to do the snatch test so I have to publish it :)
Wednesday session:
5 min snatch test: 100 reps @ 24 kg (with an average of 40 secs work and 20 secs rest)
3 rounds of 20 hindu squats + 20 SW @ 24 kg
last year grad workout like:
6 rounds of 5 dSW, dCL, 5 dMP, 8-10 steps of overhead walk @ 2x20 kg
And at the end to feel the tearing:
20 SW @ 24 kg
30 secs farmer walk @ 2x20 kg
20 SW @ 24 kg
30 secs farmer walk @ 2x20 kg
20 SW @ 24 kg
30 secs walk in double clean position @ 2x20 kg
20 SW @ 24 kg
30 secs walk in double clean position @ 2x20 kg
20 SW @ 24 kg
30 secs walk in overhead position @ 2x20 kg
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 20 kg
The snatch test was easy. I was satisfied. At first I was wondering if I should do it with 20 kg but I thought what the heck I try it with 24 and we'll see what can I do. The VWC did it—not only in mass gain but in lung capacity. And I'm just beginning the second stage!
The "grad workout like" was hell, I reduced the planned 10 rounds to 6, after switching from 24 to 20 after the first round :) After that I had to improvise because the last workout was the Tabata dSW/walking ssP one which we could have not do. But for me this SW/walking combo did call back some nice memories of burning forearms and helluva lot of swing of last year. :) I DID enjoy it!
Wednesday session:
5 min snatch test: 100 reps @ 24 kg (with an average of 40 secs work and 20 secs rest)
3 rounds of 20 hindu squats + 20 SW @ 24 kg
last year grad workout like:
6 rounds of 5 dSW, dCL, 5 dMP, 8-10 steps of overhead walk @ 2x20 kg
And at the end to feel the tearing:
20 SW @ 24 kg
30 secs farmer walk @ 2x20 kg
20 SW @ 24 kg
30 secs farmer walk @ 2x20 kg
20 SW @ 24 kg
30 secs walk in double clean position @ 2x20 kg
20 SW @ 24 kg
30 secs walk in double clean position @ 2x20 kg
20 SW @ 24 kg
30 secs walk in overhead position @ 2x20 kg
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 20 kg
The snatch test was easy. I was satisfied. At first I was wondering if I should do it with 20 kg but I thought what the heck I try it with 24 and we'll see what can I do. The VWC did it—not only in mass gain but in lung capacity. And I'm just beginning the second stage!
The "grad workout like" was hell, I reduced the planned 10 rounds to 6, after switching from 24 to 20 after the first round :) After that I had to improvise because the last workout was the Tabata dSW/walking ssP one which we could have not do. But for me this SW/walking combo did call back some nice memories of burning forearms and helluva lot of swing of last year. :) I DID enjoy it!
2010. június 20., vasárnap
Last Twelve Weeks
Yesterday I finished the first section of Kenneth Jay's Viking Warrior Conditioning. During these weeks I was practicing in the following fasion: monday and wednesday with my groups, mainly with the advanced class. This consisted of either several tabatas, 20 minutes workout with single or double KBs or various other drills able to cause pain :) On weekends I snatched to reach the 80 rounds minimum of VWC.
From week to week this was my progression:
25 rounds
60 rounds
50 rounds (ripped my left hand)
50 rounds (careful with my left hand, ripped my right hand!)
72 rounds
80 rounds
rest (active rest with Ricsi's weekend seminar)
90 rounds and I promised myself not to grab a 16 for a while.
So from now on I switch to 20 kg and start the 36:36 protocol.
From week to week this was my progression:
25 rounds
60 rounds
50 rounds (ripped my left hand)
50 rounds (careful with my left hand, ripped my right hand!)
72 rounds
80 rounds
rest (active rest with Ricsi's weekend seminar)
90 rounds and I promised myself not to grab a 16 for a while.
So from now on I switch to 20 kg and start the 36:36 protocol.
2010. április 11., vasárnap
Between Two Toothaches
10 to 15 sets of 20 swings @ 24 kg
2 rounds of forearm burster:
30 sec swings @ 24 kg
30 sec swings @ 32 kg
30 sec rest
30 sec swings @ 32 kg
30 sec swings @ 24 kg
30 sec rest
Today it wasn't aching... Two more days until dentist.
20 hindu squats
20 SW @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) C&P @ 24 kg
20 GS @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) C&P @ 24 kg
5-5 (l,r) dragon twist
3-3 (l,r) C&P @ 24 kg
15: 15 VO2max protocol, 50 rounds, 8 reps/round, 400 snatches @ 16 kg
(5 min rest)
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
I was reading back last year because I remembered I was in good shape in November. I was ashamed to read I pressed the 24. So I'm going back to the 24 because I grew lazy in the gym with the 16.
10 to 15 sets of 20 swings @ 24 kg
2 rounds of forearm burster:
30 sec swings @ 24 kg
30 sec swings @ 32 kg
30 sec rest
30 sec swings @ 32 kg
30 sec swings @ 24 kg
30 sec rest
Today it wasn't aching... Two more days until dentist.
20 hindu squats
20 SW @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) C&P @ 24 kg
20 GS @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) C&P @ 24 kg
5-5 (l,r) dragon twist
3-3 (l,r) C&P @ 24 kg
15: 15 VO2max protocol, 50 rounds, 8 reps/round, 400 snatches @ 16 kg
(5 min rest)
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
I was reading back last year because I remembered I was in good shape in November. I was ashamed to read I pressed the 24. So I'm going back to the 24 because I grew lazy in the gym with the 16.
forearm burster,
goblet squats,
2010. április 2., péntek
Feeling Good
5-5 (l,r) TGU @ 16 kg
2-2 (l,r) TGU @ 20 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
4 x 3 step ladder of MP @ 20 kg
15:15 protocol VO2max, 30 rounds, 8 reps
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
Simple, effective. Beginning to enjoy presses. Far from last year by far. I pressed the 24 before RKC.
5-5 (l,r) TGU @ 16 kg
2-2 (l,r) TGU @ 20 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
4 x 3 step ladder of MP @ 20 kg
15:15 protocol VO2max, 30 rounds, 8 reps
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
Simple, effective. Beginning to enjoy presses. Far from last year by far. I pressed the 24 before RKC.
2010. március 31., szerda
Last Two Week
It was busy so it will be long...
03.22 monday
5 burpees, 20 swings @ 24kg
10 burpees, 15 swings
15 burpees, 10 swings
20 burpees, 5 swings
4 min or 100 pushups: 56 pushups
03.24 wednesday
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 16
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
Snatch valley: top of the minute
10-10 (l,r) snatches @ 16 kg
tabata snatch @ 16 kg / swing @ 24 kg
tabata snatch @ 16 kg / plank @ 94 kg :)
10-10 halos
03.26 friday
3-3 brettzel
5 steps ladder of MP @ 16 kg
5 pushups
3-3 brettzel
4 steps ladder of MP @ 20 kg
3-3 windmill @ 20 + 16 kg
3-3 brettzel
3 stpes ladder of MP @ 24 kg
3-3 windmill @ 24 + 20 kg
3-3 brettzel
4 steps ladder of MP @ 20 kg
3-3 windmill @ 20 + 16 kg
3-3 brettzel
5 steps ladder of MP @ 16 kg
10 pushups
03.29 monday
5-6 x 20 swings @ 24 kg
15 minutes of
5-5 (l,r) snatches @ 16 kg
5-5 MP @ 16 kg
5-5 row @ 16 kg
10 swings @ 24 kg
10-10 halos @ 16 kg
3 x 4 steps ladder of MP @ 16 kg
5 min swing test @ 24 kg: 164 reps
10-10 halos @ 16 kg
03.31 wednesday
5 x 20 swings @ 24 kg
(2-3-5-10) ladder of MP @ 16 kg
(1-2-3-4) ladder of MP @ 16 kg
15:15 protocol, 20 rounds rotating
swings @ 24 kg
one handed swings, L @ 24 kg
one-handed swings, R @ 24 kg
snatches, L @ 16 kg
snatches, R @ 16 kg (except the last round where I snatched @ 24 kg)
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 16 kg
5 min cadence test of VO2max: 33 reps @ last min
15:15 protocol VO2max, 30 rounds, 8 reps/round, 240 snatches
The double JM-stretch happens because I work with my victims and there are two groups :)
I enjoyed the friday press day, it was mainly because I bought the DVD Secrets of the Shoulder by Gray Cook & Brett Jones. While there was no secret in it, I found some tricks and new viewpoints that I had to try out. And not in the least I decided to put some of the drills in the workout with the new groups starting next week.
BTW I fucked up again. I announced the start of the new groups on Easter Monday. Yep. Then I had to email around that there will be no session on monday.
03.22 monday
5 burpees, 20 swings @ 24kg
10 burpees, 15 swings
15 burpees, 10 swings
20 burpees, 5 swings
4 min or 100 pushups: 56 pushups
03.24 wednesday
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 16
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg
Snatch valley: top of the minute
10-10 (l,r) snatches @ 16 kg
tabata snatch @ 16 kg / swing @ 24 kg
tabata snatch @ 16 kg / plank @ 94 kg :)
10-10 halos
03.26 friday
3-3 brettzel
5 steps ladder of MP @ 16 kg
5 pushups
3-3 brettzel
4 steps ladder of MP @ 20 kg
3-3 windmill @ 20 + 16 kg
3-3 brettzel
3 stpes ladder of MP @ 24 kg
3-3 windmill @ 24 + 20 kg
3-3 brettzel
4 steps ladder of MP @ 20 kg
3-3 windmill @ 20 + 16 kg
3-3 brettzel
5 steps ladder of MP @ 16 kg
10 pushups
03.29 monday
5-6 x 20 swings @ 24 kg
15 minutes of
5-5 (l,r) snatches @ 16 kg
5-5 MP @ 16 kg
5-5 row @ 16 kg
10 swings @ 24 kg
10-10 halos @ 16 kg
3 x 4 steps ladder of MP @ 16 kg
5 min swing test @ 24 kg: 164 reps
10-10 halos @ 16 kg
03.31 wednesday
5 x 20 swings @ 24 kg
(2-3-5-10) ladder of MP @ 16 kg
(1-2-3-4) ladder of MP @ 16 kg
15:15 protocol, 20 rounds rotating
swings @ 24 kg
one handed swings, L @ 24 kg
one-handed swings, R @ 24 kg
snatches, L @ 16 kg
snatches, R @ 16 kg (except the last round where I snatched @ 24 kg)
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 16 kg
5 min cadence test of VO2max: 33 reps @ last min
15:15 protocol VO2max, 30 rounds, 8 reps/round, 240 snatches
The double JM-stretch happens because I work with my victims and there are two groups :)
I enjoyed the friday press day, it was mainly because I bought the DVD Secrets of the Shoulder by Gray Cook & Brett Jones. While there was no secret in it, I found some tricks and new viewpoints that I had to try out. And not in the least I decided to put some of the drills in the workout with the new groups starting next week.
BTW I fucked up again. I announced the start of the new groups on Easter Monday. Yep. Then I had to email around that there will be no session on monday.
2010. március 15., hétfő
Apply Light Pressure
AKA light press day:
3 x (1-2-3-4-5) ladder of MP @ 16 kg
1 x (1-2-3) ladder of MP @ 20 kg
1-1 (l,r) MP @ 24 kg
3 x (1-2-3-4-5) ladder of MP @ 16 kg
1 x (1-2-3) ladder of MP @ 20 kg
1-1 (l,r) MP @ 24 kg
2010. március 12., péntek
Press & Snatch
First tried the Adri style presses then the next VO2max step.
3-3 (l,r) Military Press
3-3 (l,r) one leg MP, same side
3-3 (l,r) one leg MP, other side
3-3 (l,r) half kneeling MP, same side
3-3 (l,r) half kneeling MP, other side
3-3 (l,r) kneeling MP
3-3 (l,r) floor press, elbow tucked in
3-3 (l,r) floor press, elbow out
VO2max, 15:15 protocol, 60 rounds, 8 reps/round, total of 480 snatches @ 16 kg
3-3 (l,r) snatches @ 24 kg
3-3 (l,r) Military Press
3-3 (l,r) one leg MP, same side
3-3 (l,r) one leg MP, other side
3-3 (l,r) half kneeling MP, same side
3-3 (l,r) half kneeling MP, other side
3-3 (l,r) kneeling MP
3-3 (l,r) floor press, elbow tucked in
3-3 (l,r) floor press, elbow out
VO2max, 15:15 protocol, 60 rounds, 8 reps/round, total of 480 snatches @ 16 kg
3-3 (l,r) snatches @ 24 kg
2010. március 10., szerda
Heavy Swings With My Victims
KB transfer to the gym:
5 min farmer walk @ 32 + 16 kg
5 min farmer walk @ 24 kg
3 x 20 SW @ 24 kg
20 SW in every 60 sec, 5 rounds @ 24 kg
15 SW in every 40 sec, 6 rounds @ 32 kg
10 SW in every 30 sec, 4 rounds @ 40 kg
15 SW in every 40 sec, 6 rounds @ 32 kg
20 SW in every 60 sec, 5 rounds @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 16 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 24 kg
It was hell on my forearms but enjoyed. Totals: 260 SW @ 24 kg, 180 SW @ 32 kg, 40 SW @ 40 kg. The second halos were with the second group, I had to show Bence that I can do it too. Yes, sometimes kettlebell is about competing :D
5 min farmer walk @ 32 + 16 kg
5 min farmer walk @ 24 kg
3 x 20 SW @ 24 kg
20 SW in every 60 sec, 5 rounds @ 24 kg
15 SW in every 40 sec, 6 rounds @ 32 kg
10 SW in every 30 sec, 4 rounds @ 40 kg
15 SW in every 40 sec, 6 rounds @ 32 kg
20 SW in every 60 sec, 5 rounds @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 16 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 24 kg
It was hell on my forearms but enjoyed. Totals: 260 SW @ 24 kg, 180 SW @ 32 kg, 40 SW @ 40 kg. The second halos were with the second group, I had to show Bence that I can do it too. Yes, sometimes kettlebell is about competing :D
2010. március 7., vasárnap
Trying to Go Back On Track
Originally "Back On Track" :/
I succeeded to make something "useful" today but I tried whole week:
This was my first time to make a (semi-)advanced class. Semi because the true advanced group will start in April but one of my groups will have 8 advanced-like WOs this month. In the first such a session I did the swings with them.
1-1 (l,r) get-up @ 24 kg
1 r get-up @ 32 kg
1 round is 5 left swings, 5 right, 5 two-handed and 6 alternating swings top of the minute
8 rounds @ 24 kg
8 rounds @ 32 kg
2 x 1-1 min (l,r) farmer walk @ 24 kg
Again semi-advanced session.
10 burpees
20 (10-10) cleans @ 24 kg
30 hindu squats
40 (20-20) snatches
50 swings
3 x 1-2-3-4 ladder of MP @ 16 kg
the more rounds in 20 minutes:
20 swings @ 24 kg
10 squat and press @ 16 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 16 kg
I started but failed altogether. What I did is not worth to spend the bits on it. :(
Wanted to try some drills I got from Adri & Ricsi RKCs for the advanced session. Then I got back on VO2max track :D
3-3 (l,r) clean-MP-throw down-snatch @ 16 kg
3-3 (l,r) clean-front squat-MP-overhean squat-snatch @ 16 kg
1-1 (l,r) 3 floor presses-get-up to kneel-3 MP-get-up to stand-3 MP-back to kneeling-3 MP in kneeling pos.-get down-3 floor press
VO2max protocol, 15:15, 8 snatches/round @ 16 kg, 50 rounds, total of 401 snatches
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
I succeeded to make something "useful" today but I tried whole week:
This was my first time to make a (semi-)advanced class. Semi because the true advanced group will start in April but one of my groups will have 8 advanced-like WOs this month. In the first such a session I did the swings with them.
1-1 (l,r) get-up @ 24 kg
1 r get-up @ 32 kg
1 round is 5 left swings, 5 right, 5 two-handed and 6 alternating swings top of the minute
8 rounds @ 24 kg
8 rounds @ 32 kg
2 x 1-1 min (l,r) farmer walk @ 24 kg
Again semi-advanced session.
10 burpees
20 (10-10) cleans @ 24 kg
30 hindu squats
40 (20-20) snatches
50 swings
3 x 1-2-3-4 ladder of MP @ 16 kg
the more rounds in 20 minutes:
20 swings @ 24 kg
10 squat and press @ 16 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 16 kg
I started but failed altogether. What I did is not worth to spend the bits on it. :(
Wanted to try some drills I got from Adri & Ricsi RKCs for the advanced session. Then I got back on VO2max track :D
3-3 (l,r) clean-MP-throw down-snatch @ 16 kg
3-3 (l,r) clean-front squat-MP-overhean squat-snatch @ 16 kg
1-1 (l,r) 3 floor presses-get-up to kneel-3 MP-get-up to stand-3 MP-back to kneeling-3 MP in kneeling pos.-get down-3 floor press
VO2max protocol, 15:15, 8 snatches/round @ 16 kg, 50 rounds, total of 401 snatches
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 20 kg
2010. február 25., csütörtök
WOs With My Groups
Last week I didn't practice.
On Monday I work with my victims, both class:
1-1 (l,r) 5 snatches-TGU-5 snatches-TGU-5 snatches-TGU without pause - I thought my arms will drop off
5 min swing test @ 24 kg: 156
double Tabata alternating swings with burpees
Today I decided to do the entire 6 o'clock workout because it was their last one in the beginner class:
1-1 (l,r) full shoulder flow (C&P, overhead squat, windmill, TGU down, armbar, TGU up, windmill, OH squat, MP)
(l,r) 5 1H swings
(l,r) 5 1H SW-5 high pulls
(l,r) 5 cleans- 5 1H SW-5 HP
(l,r) 5 CL-5 MP-5 1H SW-5 HP
(l,r) 5 CL-5 MP-5 SW-5 HP-5 SN
5 min VO2max cadence test
15:15 VO2max protocol @ 16 kg, 30 rounds, 8 reps/round
next class
15:15 swings - left hand-right hand-two-handed in turn - 12 rounds @ 32 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 16 kg
After the VO2max I was pretty wet and red, I don't know what thought the second group :)
At the end of their WO I was stuck with the 32 kg because they were so many they took all the 24 kgs!!!!
They are many and strong, I am proud to deliver them the pain.
On Monday I work with my victims, both class:
1-1 (l,r) 5 snatches-TGU-5 snatches-TGU-5 snatches-TGU without pause - I thought my arms will drop off
5 min swing test @ 24 kg: 156
double Tabata alternating swings with burpees
Today I decided to do the entire 6 o'clock workout because it was their last one in the beginner class:
1-1 (l,r) full shoulder flow (C&P, overhead squat, windmill, TGU down, armbar, TGU up, windmill, OH squat, MP)
(l,r) 5 1H swings
(l,r) 5 1H SW-5 high pulls
(l,r) 5 cleans- 5 1H SW-5 HP
(l,r) 5 CL-5 MP-5 1H SW-5 HP
(l,r) 5 CL-5 MP-5 SW-5 HP-5 SN
5 min VO2max cadence test
15:15 VO2max protocol @ 16 kg, 30 rounds, 8 reps/round
next class
15:15 swings - left hand-right hand-two-handed in turn - 12 rounds @ 32 kg
10-10 (l,r) halos @ 16 kg
After the VO2max I was pretty wet and red, I don't know what thought the second group :)
At the end of their WO I was stuck with the 32 kg because they were so many they took all the 24 kgs!!!!
They are many and strong, I am proud to deliver them the pain.
2010. február 13., szombat
Raising the Load
20 swings @ 16 kg
5-5 (l,r) MP @ 16 kg
20 swings @ 20 kg
5-5 (l,r) MP @ 16 kg
20 swings @ 24 kg
5-5 (l,r) MP @ 16 kg
20 swings @ 32 kg
5-5 (l,r) MP @ 16 kg
15:15 protocol VO2max, 38 rounds, 8 reps/round, 303 snatches
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 16 kg
Decided to do halos at the end of MY workouts as well. Planned 50 rounds. The heavy swings and the GTG with CoC is impoving my grip, only all the other body parts were weak to do the 50. :)
20 swings @ 16 kg
5-5 (l,r) MP @ 16 kg
20 swings @ 20 kg
5-5 (l,r) MP @ 16 kg
20 swings @ 24 kg
5-5 (l,r) MP @ 16 kg
20 swings @ 32 kg
5-5 (l,r) MP @ 16 kg
15:15 protocol VO2max, 38 rounds, 8 reps/round, 303 snatches
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 16 kg
Decided to do halos at the end of MY workouts as well. Planned 50 rounds. The heavy swings and the GTG with CoC is impoving my grip, only all the other body parts were weak to do the 50. :)
2010. február 11., csütörtök
Rest Day
was planned but proved otherwise. Swing teaching for the karate group, had to do with them:
2 rounds:
30" swings @ 20 kg
30" hindu squats
30" rest
30" overhead hold @ 20 kg, left
30" plank
30" rest
30" overhead hold @ 20 kg, right
30" plank
30" rest
2 rounds:
30" swings @ 20 kg
30" hindu squats
30" rest
Then I told Kris I don't work anymore today. He said: then get-ups? So I did some get-ups:
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 16 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 12+12 kg
5-5 (l,r) MP @ 16 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 16+12 kg
This was my rest day.
2 rounds:
30" swings @ 20 kg
30" hindu squats
30" rest
30" overhead hold @ 20 kg, left
30" plank
30" rest
30" overhead hold @ 20 kg, right
30" plank
30" rest
2 rounds:
30" swings @ 20 kg
30" hindu squats
30" rest
Then I told Kris I don't work anymore today. He said: then get-ups? So I did some get-ups:
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 16 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 12+12 kg
5-5 (l,r) MP @ 16 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 16+12 kg
This was my rest day.
2010. február 10., szerda
Heavy Swing Day
Today just a couple of swings with my groups:
with first group: 5 x 18 swings @ 40 kg (18 is a mean, it was between 15 and 21)
with second group: 20 x 10 swings @ 32 kg (15:15 protocol)
It was heavy. Not surprisingly my back got tired and my arms were bursting. But felt good and had tremendous marketing value =)
Tomorrow I will rest, only Friday will see my snatches.
with first group: 5 x 18 swings @ 40 kg (18 is a mean, it was between 15 and 21)
with second group: 20 x 10 swings @ 32 kg (15:15 protocol)
It was heavy. Not surprisingly my back got tired and my arms were bursting. But felt good and had tremendous marketing value =)
Tomorrow I will rest, only Friday will see my snatches.
Week Starts Good
Last week my rehab was set back because on tuesday my right wrist started to ache during the first TGU :( The TGU was out of question then so my rehab plan went haywire before it could've done some good. I was stuck with swings.
This Monday I felt good with my shoulders and some GTG with CoC No. 1 pumped up my forearms so I felt strong enough to swing with my group:
30:30 swings, 6 rounds @ 32 kg, 4 rounds @ 24 kg, 22 reps/round
Then yesterday I was invited to a karate session where I thought the swing. Afterwards I've done some VO2max:
15:15 VO2max protocol, 40 rounds @ 16 kg, 8 reps/round, total of 320 reps
Soooo.... coming back, the goal is to reach 80 this month or beyond then 2nd phase of VWC.
This Monday I felt good with my shoulders and some GTG with CoC No. 1 pumped up my forearms so I felt strong enough to swing with my group:
30:30 swings, 6 rounds @ 32 kg, 4 rounds @ 24 kg, 22 reps/round
Then yesterday I was invited to a karate session where I thought the swing. Afterwards I've done some VO2max:
15:15 VO2max protocol, 40 rounds @ 16 kg, 8 reps/round, total of 320 reps
Soooo.... coming back, the goal is to reach 80 this month or beyond then 2nd phase of VWC.
2010. január 27., szerda
Rehab with TGU@24 kg?
Second week I did not post because there was nothing to report. I barely worked with my groups, this Monday I was just counting the time... My shoulder is not getting better and I'm slowly going desperate until...
I puffed my face up (as my best friend would say) and began to read after my shoulder problem. I searched the dragondoor RKC forum and I found two things: some rehab plan for shoulder injury (nothing fancy: FMS - TGU - SW) and a thread titled "Who Is Injured Now?". Ahhh, I was enlightened. Almost everybody is injured except a few lucky mutant superhero with Master or Senior title. So today I started my rehab process with TGU:
4-4 (l,r) TGU @ 16 kg
4-4 (l,r) get-up, windmill, get-down, arm bar @ 16 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg - it was way too much so I switched back
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 16 kg - and called it a day :)
No JM, no stretching like a true warrior. But I know in an hour I will do two JM and two stretching with my group...
I puffed my face up (as my best friend would say) and began to read after my shoulder problem. I searched the dragondoor RKC forum and I found two things: some rehab plan for shoulder injury (nothing fancy: FMS - TGU - SW) and a thread titled "Who Is Injured Now?". Ahhh, I was enlightened. Almost everybody is injured except a few lucky mutant superhero with Master or Senior title. So today I started my rehab process with TGU:
4-4 (l,r) TGU @ 16 kg
4-4 (l,r) get-up, windmill, get-down, arm bar @ 16 kg
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 24 kg - it was way too much so I switched back
1-1 (l,r) TGU @ 16 kg - and called it a day :)
No JM, no stretching like a true warrior. But I know in an hour I will do two JM and two stretching with my group...
2010. január 11., hétfő
Beginner Group Practice
Today I was planning to swing again—what the hell, my snatch could be better.
30:30 protocol, swings @ 24 kg, 10 rounds, 22 reps/round, 220 swings total
30:30 protocol, swings @ 24 kg, 7 rounds, 22 reps/round, 154 swings total
So today it is 374 swings. I planned with 32 kg but I felt with the first group that it is hopeless. Even with this bell I was struggling with my forearms at the (first) 7th round.
30:30 protocol, swings @ 24 kg, 10 rounds, 22 reps/round, 220 swings total
30:30 protocol, swings @ 24 kg, 7 rounds, 22 reps/round, 154 swings total
So today it is 374 swings. I planned with 32 kg but I felt with the first group that it is hopeless. Even with this bell I was struggling with my forearms at the (first) 7th round.
2010. január 9., szombat
Big Plans, Small Deeds
Planned a practice for Friday and Sunday but managed to do one on Saturday. I was sore after Wednesday, the goblet squats strained my left quad. I don't know, always this strains, pulled muscles and I'm not able to get out of them. I want to proceed with VWC but just struggling. I hope I'm not a 'just guy'—if you don't know what it is watch the brilliant movie 'Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium'. It's a must!
So this Saturday:
10 SW @ 16 kg
20 SW @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) snatches @ 16 kg
20-20 (l,r) smatches @ 16 kg
2 x 10-10 (l,r) snatches @ 24 kg
15:15 VO2max protocol, 10 rounds (!), 8 reps/round, 80 snatches
planned 30 rounds :(((
So this Saturday:
10 SW @ 16 kg
20 SW @ 24 kg
10-10 (l,r) snatches @ 16 kg
20-20 (l,r) smatches @ 16 kg
2 x 10-10 (l,r) snatches @ 24 kg
15:15 VO2max protocol, 10 rounds (!), 8 reps/round, 80 snatches
planned 30 rounds :(((
2010. január 6., szerda
New Beginner Class
Monday: Ahhh. The third time I start a group and it was a huge success (for me at least). There were 11 guys starting today and there is some who will come. With the other group I did some planks and swings:
30 sec 1H swings
30 sec rest
30 sec plank
30 sec rest
4 round of the above with changing the sides
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 16 kg
Wednesday: I practiced with the groups—again planks and swings, then
2-4-6-8-10 ladder of deadlifts, goblet squats and swings each @ 24 kg
2-4-6-8-10 ladder of deadlifts, goblet squats @ 24 kg and swings @ 32 kg
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 24 kg
30 sec 1H swings
30 sec rest
30 sec plank
30 sec rest
4 round of the above with changing the sides
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 16 kg
Wednesday: I practiced with the groups—again planks and swings, then
2-4-6-8-10 ladder of deadlifts, goblet squats and swings each @ 24 kg
2-4-6-8-10 ladder of deadlifts, goblet squats @ 24 kg and swings @ 32 kg
10-10 (l,r) halo @ 24 kg
2010. január 3., vasárnap
Classic Swing&Get-up
Getting ready for the beginner group tomorrow. My shoulder still aches so no snatch today, only swings and get-ups:
15:15 protocol, swings@24 kg, 20 rounds, 10 reps/round, 200 swings
1-1 (l,r) get-up + 3 windmills + get-down @ 16 kg
1-1 (l,r) get-up + 3 windmills + get-down @ 24 kg
15:15 protocol, swings@24 kg, 20 rounds, 10 reps/round, 200 swings
Nothing fancy.
15:15 protocol, swings@24 kg, 20 rounds, 10 reps/round, 200 swings
1-1 (l,r) get-up + 3 windmills + get-down @ 16 kg
1-1 (l,r) get-up + 3 windmills + get-down @ 24 kg
15:15 protocol, swings@24 kg, 20 rounds, 10 reps/round, 200 swings
Nothing fancy.
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